Traveling As a Part of Education

Education involves not only reading books and doing exercises, but also attaining knowledge through doing something practically. In other words, practical experience is a part of education. In this sense, since traveling adds to our experience and knowledge base, it can safely be considered a part of education.

In this connection it must be said that traveling has, roughly speaking, two purposes: acquiring experience and pleasure. But it must be emphasized that in both the cases knowledge comes from traveling.

As far as the education-traveling nexus is concerned, we can aver that traveling should be made statutory for students. If this is done, then it will be a part of education. It has, however, a number of benefits. These are enumerated below.

Firstly, what we learn from our textbooks needs to be verified in light of reality. If this is done, then the knowledge earned from books becomes practicable. And if this is to be achieved, then there must be sufficient opportunities for traveling such as education tour or excursion.

Secondly, there are some subjects which cannot be taught or learnt from textbooks. Geography, history, and some branches of science fall in this category of subjects. For the sake of perfect knowledge in these subjects, students must be inspired and patronized to go on education tours.

Thirdly, education without pleasure becomes, in most of the cases, prosaic and ineffectual. The processes of education in which recreational facilities are in-built, therefore, prove to be most effective.

The other side of traveling as a part of education should not in any case be overlooked. This is, it involves the question- Is it really affordable by the students? The answer, regrettably, will be in the negative in most of the cases. If traveling is, for instance, made an essential part of education, then, to be sure it will be a great burden on the guardian of poor countries. The consequence will be that only a minority of students will be able to avail themselves of the opportunity of acquiring perfect knowledge on the related subjects, while majority of them will be deprived of the opportunity. This poses a great problem on the decision maker as well as the whole educational system.

But it is not that such a problem is totally unsolvable. To make the extracurricular activities like traveling more effective, it should be programmed in a limited way within a limited budget. Also, educational institutions as well as the government should come forward to help students in this regard with reasonable amount of financial assistance.

Therefore, it is advisable that all educational institutions around the world take sufficient care to include traveling in the overall educational program ensuring the eager involvement of the majority of the students.

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