Why to Design a Black and White Fashion Designer Logo

Fashion designing is a game of colours. Whether creating apparel or jewellery or handbags, blending appealing shades in contrasting way is the knack of creative designing. I’ve often seen people rejecting a fine-looking dress just because “red is not in,” or “yellow doesn’t suit my looks”and other similar comments on colours. So, colour is one the definitive factors when one buys a style product. This has led designers to believe that their logos ought to be multihued and vibrant. This is often a misconception because one can create an excellent fashion designer logo using just two colours – black and white.

The questions, however, is, “why fashion designers’ logo should be black and white and not coloured?” Here are some answers you can’t easily ignore.

Easy and Cheap to Print

Coloured cartridges are expensive and people often avoid printing in colour when need several copies. They are also more flexible in use as you don’t have to take much care in using them on your flyers, business cards, and letter heads because they can fit well on paper.

Have a Classy Ever-Green Look

Colours go in and out but black and white remain. Black and white is a combination that has been in use since the advent of creative designing and there is no chance of their getting out of fashion. Having this ever-green combination on your logo ensures that your logo will never become out-of-date. You can use this logo forever.

Grab Attention through Excellent Contrast

Black and white colours are popular for their excellent contrast. They go perfectly well together. What more, their contrast is very much attractive and eye-catching, so you can easily grab the attention of the onlookers using this appealing combination.

Stand Out In the Crowd of Images

As I pointed out earlier, when creating a fashion logo, focus usually is on the use of colours. So there is pretty good chance that in any fashion designing competition or event, all other logos will be full of colour but yours will be unique. Besides, the designer has not relied on the colours for creating the appeal, so it will more artistic and creative. In the gallery of logos of all fashion designers, your logo will easily stand out.

Conveys clear message

Have you ever give it a thought that the all manuscripts and document requires black printing on white paper? This is simply because that it’s easiest to read black text with white background. Changing the font colour or background colour can make the message unclear and difficult to read. Black & White fashion designer logo is, therefore, better in communicating its message than a coloured one.

Combining them all, you come up with an attractive, more powerful and unique design with black and white colours which will give your fashion business an outstanding character.

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