Baseball – The Talk About Pitching

I had been a pitcher in the university for three years and I love every single minute I play on the triangle field. Like everybody else, I have my own set of ups and downs. I have been seriously into losing and I have also been into losing myself during a game which is a very deadly thing I have ever committed in my pitcher’s life. As a pitcher, I am not allowed to lose control over my pitching because once I do; I can usually see a very predictable ending and that is simply losing when I could have let my team win. So here we well talk about dos and don’ts.

Do arrive on a game earlier than the scheduled time because you need the little time of warm-up before seriously stepping on the pitcher’s plate. However, do not overexert yourself more than you have to because it could lead to sloppy pitches later on. I have a usual routine during a warm-up. I usually just throw the ball in a relaxed, pitching manner to my catcher but do not really show off the real speed and power I got during my pitches. Sometimes I can find a very surprised look from opponents because they did not see how I really pitch during warm-ups and this can be a very good opportunity to have them expect a sloppy pitch because they will lose their timing.

Do focus yourself on the pitching mechanics but do not go overboard which means that you stay on the way you are pitching. Do not try anything new during a game because an actual game is not a practice where you try different things. In practice you can go beyond which you normally do but when it comes to the actual game, only keep what pitching mechanics works on you best. If you want to incorporate something new into your pitching, do not do it during a game but rather do it during your practice. Once you change how you pitch during the game, the opponent will catch on and read exactly what you are doing.

Do take care of your legs. Your legs are the source of all the power that your hand releases. I often have experience in the past about muscle strain on my thigh and legs and I usually pitch slower than the normal speed I usually throw of. That is why I would suggest you to maintain to shape up your legs because it is one great source of power during your pitching. Remember that you have the most important role on that field and nobody else has that great power than you are. You do a lot of work unless of course you let your opponent hit your pitch and surely your team mates will go scrambling to get that ball.

I have only mentioned three essential things to remember as a pitcher. I am not saying that they are absolute and without exception but once you get the hang of it, I am sure you will be the best pitcher there is.

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