The Holy Grail of Fitness

With so many fitness articles, products, ebooks, and programs scattered through the internet, I often hear a lot of questions regarding as to which is the absolute best source for fitness. Well, I’m answering that age-old question right now in this article. Ladies and Gentlemen – I give you: The Best Fitness Source in the Entire Universe…

It’s you… The Holy Grail of Fitness is YOU. That’s right…no program, product, or course in the world can equal the power in which you have. The only thing that defines what shape or condition you’re in is you. How you use you is entirely up to you. You can buy the latest course, get advice from a local fitness instructor, you can even go out and purchase the latest, high tech body-building machinery. But if you don’t do anything with these resources, you’ve done nothing but waste your time and money.

You know those fitness ebooks that promise to make you stronger, faster, and healthier? Most of the refunds come from people that didn’t do anything with the knowledge they received. They practically read the book sitting on their arse, and then ask for a refund when they don’t get the results that they were promised in the quoted time by the author.

You are the creator of your own life. Knowledge without application is nothing but useless information. After you get the knowledge, you must be willing to take inspired action toward your fitness goals. It doesn’t work any other way.

Sorry if I’ve disappointed you, but what I’ve just said is the truth. And it’s up to you whether or not you’ll take this information and run with it.

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