Two Steps To Muscle Fitness Undo Middle-Age Spread

If you’ve been around for half a lifetime and haven’t thought much about your muscle fitness, chances are your middle portion is a bit on the large and spongy side and those soft flabby bits are sagging like cheese slices melting in the sun.

You might even count your blessings that you are not considered one of the 60% of the population that is overweight. But that little bit of excess fat that’s steadily increasing around your waist is a growing concern as you become increasingly aware that your muscle fitness is on the decline.

It’s easy not to worry about it because the change is ever so gradual. You can safely think ‘it’s not too bad yet, there’s plenty of time – I’ll fix it later’.

Often though, later never comes and if it does, you’re confronted with a bigger task than ever – so big that you might even give up before you start. On top of that, while you’re waiting for later to come, your body is weakening and deteriorating and muscle is withering away, further adding to the difficulty of shaping up and improving your fitness.

So the first thing you need to do is:

Decide why it is important to shape up and improve your muscle fitness.

The why is most important because these reasons provide the emotional power that will draw you toward your goal and simultaneously attract your goal to you.

Here are two good reasons for you:

1. Aged health

As you grow older what quality of life would you like to enjoy? Does the prospect of shuffling along or having a stooped and bent posture appeal to you? How about the possibility of brittle weak bones fracturing easily and launching you in hospital for a spell?

Building bone density and strength is especially crucial for women. Bone density is lost at about a percent a year from about 40 onwards. A moderate regular weight bearing program will build muscle and fitness and arrest this loss and probably start to recover some of the density already lost. Don’t wait till later to build bone density.

2. Self-image

While you don’t see increasing bone density you do see the change to body shape after a while. You do see the firmness in the muscles and you do feel the better fitness. There is no denying that generally people look and feel more physically attractive when they are slim and happy with their shape. Also, other people generally regard slim people as being more attractive than overweight people.

The second thing to do is decide what you will do to remove that spare tyre on the waist, those love handles on the hip or that roll over the front of your pants.

Remember, liposuction or other such surgeries will not strengthen bone, build muscle, fitness or develop good habits but exercise will so there’s really only one choice here (apart from the obvious choice of eating correctly).

So in choosing the type of exercise for you keep in mind these few points:

* It must be something you can enjoy doing.

* Start light and slowly and gradually increase the intensity or length of your workout.

* Include stretching, aerobics and weight bearing exercises

* Support and enhance your physical exercises with a good diet.

* Select a convenient regular time to workout so it becomes part of your habit and routine.

* Vary what you do occasionally to keep your workouts fresh and interesting

* Buddy up with someone and help keep each other going.

So there you go if you’ve got a little bit of tummy sag or even a pretty hefty spare tyre it’s not really that hard to remove it. Expend more energy than you consume. Knowing what to do is not rocket science. It’s pretty simple really as outlined above. Don’t wait till later to build muscle and improve fitness or until you’ve got everything right before starting. At the very least get outside and start walking (at a good pace).

You don’t have to get it right, just get it going.

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