Fuel Your Fat Burning Furnace With Hand Weights

If you’ve ever had the opportunity to feed a blazing furnace, then you know it burns fuel quickly. Turning your body into a furnace is equally the best way to burn fuel, the fuel of course being fat. In reality though, the furnace is not your whole body, but, more specifically, your lean hard muscles. And like furnaces, muscles can burn continuously, even while you sleep.

And without a doubt, the quickest way to build muscle is by using free weights. With them you can quickly shock and overload the muscle fibers, which is the means by which you initiate the growth of cells. Typically to use weights you want to go to a gym, but because you’re so busy that may not be an option all the time. This is where a nice set of hand weights that you can keep at home comes in to play. By having some in your house and whenever it is convenient for you, you now always have access to a quick workout.

And best of all, you can find hand weights in a size that is right for you. So if you’re just starting out, and you prefer to start with something light, then 1, 2, or 5 pound weights are readily available. Or, if you’re an old pro and you want something much heavier (over 100 lb. if you can handle it), then they have that too. And with hand weights, you can work practically every muscle in your body. For your arms, there is, of course, the bicep curls. In addition to working your biceps, you can also conveniently work your triceps and forearms as well.

For your shoulders, there is the standing or sitting shoulder press, and to work your back muscles, squat and lean forward slightly, and with your elbows in, simulate a rowing motion. If that sounds too challenging, find a chair, place one hand on the seat of the chair, and with a hand weight in the other, perform a rowing motion.

You can even work your legs by performing lunges. In fact, the only limits to the type of exercises you can perform is bounded only by your imagination. If you can imagine it, then chances are you can do it. Just keep in mind that you may have to use very light weights to perform certain exercises. Another advantage of free weights is that you can simulate motions more naturally then if you are using a machine. For instance, if you play tennis, you can simulate the back hand motion or if you play baseball or softball, you can also simulate the throwing motion.

To ensure a safe workout with any of these exercises, stretch your muscle before you start, do not try to use to much weight, do not jerk the weight, as this can easily tear tendons, and to avoid unnecessary pain and more importantly injury, keep repetitions in the range of 8 – 12, more reps if they are very light. Remember, safety above all else is important when performing any type of exercise. So to burn fat like you’re feeding fuel to a furnace, get yourself some hand weights today. And because it’s always summer somewhere, it pays to stay in beach body shape.

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