Sculptures and Art From the Philippines

Sculptures from the Philippines come in a variety of mediums. There are glass sculptures, marble sculptures, bronze and mixed medium sculptures. The themes, forms and styles used for Filipino sculptures run the artistic gamut from abstract sculptures to figure studies.

During the 18th century sculptures from the Philippines reflected Catholic themes. One of the most famous 18th century Filipino sculptures was the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception. This sculpture was created in ivory. It was decorated using polychrome, glass, silver and gilding.

Alma Quinto is a modern Filipino sculptress that works in a variety of mediums and art forms. Her Lolita’s Pet is a mixed medium sculpture that has been featured in several publications. It is currently valued at about S$500. If you enjoy the sculptures created by this artist then you may also be interested in the illustrations, paintings, textiles and installation pieces created by this artist as well.

Duddley Diaz is another modern artist from the Philippines who specializes in unique sculptures. He was born in the Philippines in 1962. His artistic education started at the University of the Philippines where he earned a BFA. It then continued at the Academia di Belle Arti in Florence, Italy. Here Diaz studied both painting and sculpting. One of the pieces that this Filipino artist created was the Preacher no. 3. This 1997 creation was formed from wood and other mediums. It was valued at S$7,000. In addition to wood, Diaz also works in bronze. His bronze sculpture Goddess with a Bough has been valued at S$7,000.

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