Quick Easy Cheap Meals

How to put a meal on the table quick.

It is very important in our busy life to be able to serve up an appetizing meal in a quick fashion. If you get in the habit of doing this one easy thing, you will become an expert at getting a  meal on the table in only minutes. Here’s one habit you can start: as soon as you walk in the door, put a pot of water on to boil. Small pot for small family; larger pot for a large family. Practice will make perfect in judging how much water to use. Then, as you are getting ready to come in the kitchen, the water is well on its way to boiling. What can you do with boiling water? You can cook potatoes, rice, macaroni, spaghetti, hard-boiled eggs, use it for hot chocolate or herb tea, throw in bouillon cubes, some veggies and leftover meat for a quick soup. The possibilities are numerous. This one habit is your first step to having quick, easy, cheap meals.

Make it easy to get dinner done.

Dinner is something that has to happen every day, for the rest of your life. Whether you cook for yourself or a family, how can we make this job easier? Plan ahead. You can plan ahead by making a list of what dinner will be for the next week and making sure you have all the ingredients. You can plan ahead by cooking several meals in one day when you have time and then freezing them to eat later. You can also plan ahead by cooking some extra food every time you cook and then using that extra food for another meal later. Talk about easy! Some of the work is done already, with very little effort. It takes only a little more effort to make 2 meatloaves instead of 1 or make 2 batches of cookies instead of 1. Then these “planned-overs” can be put in the fridge or freezer to use later (or sooner; its up to you). This is your second step to having quick, easy, cheap meals.

You can save a lot on your food bill.

You can eat healthy, fun, nutritious food and save money at the same time. One great way to save money on your food bill is to try cooking with beans, peas and lentils. If you’ve never tried them, they are very delicious, filling, and a powerhouse of nutrition. Maybe you have had them before and didn’t care for them. Try them cooked a different way. Scout around for a variety of recipes that use these healthy legumes as they are an excellent way to stretch your food dollar. You could make bean burgers, lentil loaf, or split pea soup as the main course and accompany it with some nice vegetables. When first trying out these foods, start out a little at a time. This is your third step to being able to prepare quick, easy, cheap meals.

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