Tips for Writing Great Coaching E-Books

Never understimate the power of a well-written word. Tens of thousands of readers of coaching ebooks have had their lives changed for the better by a well written ebook.

It’s a remarkable medium that you can tap into to coach others day or night, in the city or country, all across the planet. 

Is writing an ebook for you? 

Do you have the answers to a specific problem? Can you research the answers?  Do you have a personal story to tell about overcoming the problem in your own life?

Is there a group of people for whom this problem is universal?  A group of people who wake up in the night in a sweat, wishing, praying and wracking their brains for an answer?

The more they are in need of help, the more likely your ebook can change their lives.

If you think writing an ebook is for you, this is what you need to know:

1. A great ebook is not long.

In fact, the very best ebooks are 10-35 pages long, and no longer.

Why is this? 

The ebook that is short and sweet answers in a laser-like fashion the problem that the reader wants to solve.

It’s the most valuable ebook a client can buy because you have filtered the exact information they most need, and cut out the rest.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you need 100 pages to call yourself an ebook publisher.  Cut to the chase. 

2. A marketable ebook is very specific.

This goes hand in hand with #1. 

Don’t write ebooks that are general.  They just aren’t marketable and you’ll be in for a heartache.  

The key to marketability is communicating to specific people that your answer is the precise one they need.

3. A great coaching ebook uses a coaching approach.

Take some time as you prepare to write your ebook, and do two things:

Read great ebooks AND transfer what you know works as a coach, and transfer that to your ebook.

As a coach, do you harness the power of the provocative question in your one on one coaching calls? 

Perhaps you have a special ability to see the greater truth in a client’s life? 

Take special note of what makes your coaching exceptional in one mode of delivery and deliberately set out to translate that to the writing you do for your ebook.

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