The Advantages and Disadvantages of Dieting

The pros and cons to dieting can be deceptive. Really there is nothing bad about dieting if you do it right. I know someone who lost 3 pounds a week over the course of a year eating three healthy meals a day and exercising for at least an hour a day. There was nothing unhealthy about his diet, so there are no cons. The cons of dieting generally come from unhealthy diet that are too extreme. The sad thing is that most of these extreme never helped anybody lose any weight in the long term.

A healthy eating plan but no exercise will not help you lose any weight. Likewise a vigorous daily exercise schedule but poor eating habits will also not help you lose any weight. You need to have both vigorous exercise and smart eating if you want to burn body fat. The pros and cons of dieting may not be what you’re thinking about. The good thing about your plan could be your eating habits but the bad thing is not exercising.

Many people have a hard time understanding that moderation is really important. You can’t overdo anything and you can’t under do anything either. A reasonable eating plan and a reasonable exercise plan can help anybody lose weight.

The diets that everyone fail at are the diets that promise you can lose a lot of weight in just a few days. These extreme diets do not work over the long term. Since no one can sustain that kind of weight loss, people following these diets become really dejected and depressed. They are working so hard in making such a great effort, but they are not losing the amount of weight that the diet says they should be able to. As a result they become very depressed and just giving up. Sadly, after they give up the weight starts to come back on in a way just as much as they did before.

The first thing you need to do to succeed at losing weight is to set a year-long weight-loss plan. Whether you want to lose 30 pounds or a hundred pounds, do it in a year. If you want to lose 30 pounds, start out by trying to lose a pound a week. You’ll reach your goal in 30 weeks. If you want to lose 100 pounds, then set a goal of 2 pounds a week. You’ll reach your goal in one year. The key here is to be long-term in your thinking. If you only want to lose 30 pounds and you succeed at doing that in two months, that 30 pounds will come back on again in just 2 to 3 weeks. Why? Because in order to lose 30 pounds in two months you would’ve had to have done some very extreme lack of eating, and a lot of vigorous exercise. After the two months is all over, you’ll be so tired from all the exercise and very little eating you did. The first thing you want to do is just relax and go back to your old eating style. As a result, you’ll put all the weight back on. On the other hand, if you set a year-long goal in lose the weight that you want to in a year you will be developing a daily habit of reasonable eating and exercise that after a year will be easy to continue to maintain throughout the rest of your life. By doing it this way you will learn what it will take daily for you to maintain the weight you want.

The pros and cons of dieting are easy. A positive diet consists of a healthy eating plan and vigorous exercise. A non-healthy diet consists of unreasonable weight loss expectations gained by restrictive eating an unhealthy practices.

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