Preparing For Prom Night

Preparing for prom night should begin months ahead of time.

Getting a date comes first. Girls without steady boysfriend spend more time finding a date than do the boys. The best strategies involve becoming a part of a particular group and building a particular friendship with prom night in mind.

Boys and girls each have their respective areas to prepare. Sometimes it's difficult just to get the boys to rent their tuxedo, but they also need to arrange for the limousine rental, cover all costs, and make the arrangements for the night-such as a group activity or a romantic dinner before.

For girls, preparing for prom night is more intense. Make a to do list for the prom. Make another just for your hair. Select dress, jewelry, and hairstyle in that order, coordinating everything. If you need a hair stylist, begin asking for recommendations in advance. If you have one already, make a special appointment three months ahead to discuss your prom hairstyle.

Six weeks ahead, book an appointment with your stylist no less than four hours before the limo arrives. Try a complete dress rehearsal with hair, dress, and jewelry a month before your prom. Finally, on the day before collect all your essentials in one place. Does your hairdresser work? Do you need more gel?

These are the essential steps when preparing for prom night. Finally, do not forget that you and your date will exchange corsage and boutonnière. Buy it the day before, keep it refrigerated, and please try not be nervous when you pin it on.

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