Instead of Getting Angry, Learn to Write a Complaint Letter in Business Format

This is the correct business format for a Letter of Complaint to another business. Use your words with caution because people are often funny about their money.

Tips and Hints to consider:

Keep in mind that Business Writing is about “Getting to the point”

Think about what you want to say before you start writing and get your facts straight.

Stay objective and considerate throughout the letter even if you are feeling angry.

Your letter will include the following:

1. Contacts

2. The complaint

3. Reason why you are complaining

4. The amount to be refunded

5. How long you are willing to wait (be reasonable please)

6. Reason why they should refund you

7. “Thank you” as well as any enclosures such as statements, receipts etc…

Remember to send copies of the receipts, not the originals. However, the original letter you type up and sign should be sent to the recipients. Make a copy for your records.

If you do not receive the response you had wished for, you may want to consider writing a second letter with a firmer tone, or you can contact the next person on their chain of command.

Your number and street address

Your city, Your state Zip code

Phone: Your contact number

Email: your email

The Date

Their Name, Company Title

Company name

Their company street number and address

Their city, state and zip code

Dear Mr. Name,

It has been excellent for my company to use your services for many high-quality door and window projects. I have always been satisfied with your services, however I am writing to you with a concern that I hope you will be able to address.

My company ordered from Custom Wood on July 2 by telephone. We ordered double-glazed, made-to-order oak French doors. When they arrived on July 25, my carpenter informed me that the doors were cut too small. Instead of measuring a total of 11 feet by 8 inches, the doors measured 11 feet by 4 inches.

After waiting three weeks for the door to remodel a kitchen, it was obvious that the customers were not going to wait any longer to have their kitchen finished. My carpenter was able to fix the mistake and did so at the expense of $455.50.

I am requesting that Custom Wood reimburse the $455.50 paid to fix the doors sent in error to my company. I am including the carpenter’s bill, and would appreciate prompt attention to this matter.

I would like to continue business with your company, as I have always been very satisfied in the past. Thank you very much for you time.


My name

Company name

Enclosures (2)

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