A Business Infected With Viral Marketing
Have you ever heard of Viral marketing? Does it sound scary? It sure does, but scary in a way that when a marketer uses it to its full advantage, the virus this kind of marketing has will definitely get the wits out of itself. Viral marketing is the use of marketing techniques for the goal of creating and increasing brand awareness through the spread of messages from people to people thereby increasing popularity.
Like a true virus does, this kind of marketing uses individuals with a high potential for social networking and will create messages that are viral enough to spread to more people thereby creating a feeling that the said product or message is "in demand" and something of Worth. If we are to understand it in a layman's term, it is like creating a buzz or spreading message through word of mouth.
Viral marketing has the "it" factor that creates and encourage people to spread the message of good news to others and so on. The best thing about it is that, there is no need for complicated and expensive forms of advertising just to get more sales. The power to advertise has been passed on to the people because of the good experience and full confidence they have with your product.
Just imagine the time, effort and money that can be saved because of this kind of marketing. This is the kind of marketing that can not be stopped at once because the virus has been spread.
Not only that Viral marketing can increase our sales quickly, it also increases our product's popularity and people's awareness of our business. Is not that great?
Definitely it is.
We may not be aware but we ourselves are guilty of using this type of marketing. Just because of a mere admiration on a certain video, we copy then paste it into our social networking pages, pass it to friends while convincing them that the video is indeed very good and deserves to be viewed by others as well.
Viral promotions may take the form of videos, ebooks, images, text messages and other interesting stuff that is meant to be shared. It is like you have discovered a good topic, interesting enough to share it with your friends, then you begin discussing about it, you encourage your friends to take a look, they become interested then they pass it to friends of friends. Is not that great? We do not have to do much. We only need to make a worthy piece which is great enough to be talked about.
There are a lot of ways in which we can do our own viral marketing. Some strategies may work, some may not. But here are some tips in order to have a successful run in this kind of marketing.
1. Offer Free services or bonuses.
2. See what networking sites can be utilized
3. Take advantage of common interests and behaviors
Viral Marketing may not be taken seriously by other marketers but this is just the way to go if we want to gain the support and admiration of our target audience. What better way to let people know about your product and services but by word of mouth.