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How can you say that? A quick search for SEO, or Search Engine Optimization Firms delivers more than a useful of results. But the fact is, Google's move to make both quantity and quality of incoming links more important in their search engine algorithms has replied in many firms scrambling to adjust – and failing! Search Engine Marketing Expertise is becoming a lost art!

That's because search engine optimization and Internet marketing is not about marketing to the engines, but to the people who use the engines. But many companies are not only slow to realize this, but they have failed to apply the proper weights to the techniques that the engines do use to rank pages. This not only uncovers a real lack of understanding of the engines themselves in the marketplace, but it displays an incredible lack of general Internet marketing strategy to boot! So people keep asking, "How do you optimize your domain for search engines?" As Internet Marketing Experts here is what we say:

Name Recognition

Most of the time name recognition is good. Go to Google and type in Data Choices.

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No quotes (which would make the search more selective and us easier to find. Are we first on the list? How many results for the words data and choices, in no particular order (because we did not use quotes) were there? Fifty million?

Yes, name recognition can be a wonderful thing! But many "Internet Marketing Specialists" have either forgotten the importance of name recognition or simply do not know how to get the recognition that they both need and deserve. Data Choices LLC understands the algorithms in use across the search engine spectrum. And that's a good place to start. For instance, did you know that Yahoo places a higher emphasis on quantity than Google? Google concentrates more on proper density. (They would like to call it quality, but there is still to be developed a true quality algorithm. It is coming, however.

Quantity versus density means that while you are adding tons of content to make Yahoo happy you may well be hurting yourself on Google! And with Google too much density is worse than not enough density! To make matters worse the search engines are always adjusting their standards, so unless you keep on top of it what worked so well for you last month may not serve so well next month!

Yes, it's a confusing mess to most Internet Marketing Companies. But while they flounder around like a fish out of water, Data Choices keeps on marketing! And here is what you really need to know: There is an ebb and flow to Internet marketing strategies that works best. Neither the tortoise nor the haare wins the race. It is only when the tortoise and the haare work together in the proper 'ebb and flow' technique that the race is won. And if you think about it for just a minute it makes perfect sense! Even while your website sets stagnant, so many others are changing around it. So how can you measure the change of other companies if your company is always moving as well?

It's the old physics train phenomena. If you are on a train (but can not hear or feel the train move) then when you look out the window and see another train moving in the opposite direction you will be unable to tell if your train is moving, the other train is moving or If both trains are moving! So while it is easy (and exciting) to watch your company go up in the rankings, it is important to pause from time to time to see how the market moves relative to your company. That is the only way you can properly assess the fast moving Internet Market!

So why can not these other Internet Marketing Specialists figure it out?

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