One Innovative Insurance Agency Marketing Strategy Secret

Insurance Agents need a steady incoming customer base for several reasons. The most important reason is the long-term income generated from "trails" or on-going agreements from customer or the insured's renewals. Of course, it's also important to have an ever increasing customer base to deal with the slight attrition that happens as customers drop off the grid, move away or switch policies; Either to save money or because some other agent sold them on the idea to move their business away.

This means that an insurance agent must be visible in their local markets and be seen and remembered. Indeed, this requires multiple imprints on the potential client's brain and then, you must be part of the scenery in their world. Grass-Roots marketing is by far the best way to do this, along with traditional advertising like newspaper, radio, and cable TV. Yes, insurance people must reference their website, which must contain important information too.

Some of the best grass-roots marketing are things like a business card ad in nonprofit group's newsletters or in the local High School Booster programs. But, let me tell you about one form of advertising that works extremely well, but is hardly ever considered or tapped into.

Insurance agents should advertise on the back of mobile auto detailing company flyers. It works killer and the mobile detailing or mobile car wash company is glad to do this if the insurance company pays for the printing costs. It is relatively inexpensive advertising, maybe a couple hundred bucks a quarter, but it really brings in clients. So, try it out, as this is one innovative insurance agency marketing secret that your competitors have not yet considered.

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