How To Earn Money Online Using Affiliate Marketing With Only One To Four Hours Of Work Each Day

To earn money online you must become a good Internet marketer. Your two main positions that you will rotate through are copy writing and traffic generator. At the root of affiliate marketing is the ability to be able to promote another persons product.

This allows you to promote as many products as you want without taking on the risk of creating the product. For the 2 to 4 hours that you will work each day you will be generating traffic to review websites and creating bonuses for customers.

Behind traffic generation, your ultimate goal is to get onto the front page of the main search engines. The more websites that you create and search engine optimization that you implement the better chance you have of ranking for a targeted keyword.

Articles are a form of traffic generation and for one article it can take you only 10 minutes to create. You can also use videos as a way of getting views. Another method is to go on forums and participate in conversations to add value while promoting your website through your signature.

The quickest form of getting traffic to a website is going to be paid traffic. Pay per click marketing is where 85% of successful marketers generate the bulk of their income.

If you do not have the funds to start off with pay per click you can do free forms of traffic generation like article marketing, video marketing, press releases, classified ads, and many other forms.

You will ultimately be sending somebody to a website with reviews, bonuses and relevant information to help them solve their problem.

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