Will I Get Sick on a Detox Diet?
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The many diet gurus who are popular today are really pushing doing a detox before trying to lose weight. Any good weight loss program will start with a detox program. Why? The simple answer is so that your body can start working right. A major cause of weight gain is that the mechanisms in the body that metabolize foods into the nutrients that cause the body to function as it should not work properly because of a toxic build up. When toxins are pulling the body down, it is concentrating on handling the toxins rather than functioning as it should in ridding the body of wastes and digesting the minerals and other materials needed for healthy daily functioning.
Since detox means getting rid of toxins, it stands to reason that the toxins that have been in the way of proper body function are going to be stirred up and moved out. This process will more than likely cause some disturbance in the body. What can you expect? You may feel more tired than normal for a few days. You may feel nauseated. You may have a breakout of acne, or a radical change in bowel functions. Much will depend on how toxic your body is. If you are doing a commercial cleanse, relying on herbal combinations to detox your body, you must modify your diet. Going on a mild food diet consisting of clear soups, fruits and lightly steamed vegetables will help ease the discomfort. If an herbal cleansse is causing diarrhea, cut back on the recommended dosages for a while. If a full dosage makes you sick …. slow up on the dosage. If it recommends taking the herbs three times a day, drop back to two or even one a day. Every couple of days, up the dosage until your body is acclimated to the cleansing process in a more comfortable way. Do not eat junk food while on a cleanse. This would be comparable to sweeping the floor with your door opened to a wind storm.
When doing a detox program for the first time, it is recommended that you do it at a time when you are not obliged to perform in public. Do it on a weekend or when you are not working. While exercise is recommended during a cleanse, getting plenty of rest is also recommended. Drinking plenty of water is also recommended to help in the cleansing process of the body.
Some can do a detox program and do not feel sick at all, while most have some symptom of cleansing. The symptoms can be mild or ravaging …. but you do have control, so do not give up. Get advice from a health care physician and be prepared for what is to come. In the end, you will feel much better and be glad you "suffer" through it.