Education And Schooling In Algorfa, Spain

An application well in advance of the commencing year is required as you can imagine this facility is very popular indeed, a small monthly charge for each child attending and a copy of your Childs vaccinations and birth certificate amongst other documentation and information will be required. To inscribe your child you will need to pick up the correct forms and follow the correct procedure all this can be done in Algorfa at the Ayuntamiento.

C.P. “Miguel de Cervantes”

o The local school for Algorfa is situated within the Village and is for all Algorfa children aged 3 years up to 12 years of age. At this moment in time the Algorfa council are in talks with inspectors from Alicante about funding and constructing a new primary school. As the population grows more classrooms and teachers are required, for this reason the Algorfa councillors have made this project main priority. Construction will soon commence. The children of Algorfa will remain studying in the old school while the building of the new one commences. The exact location for the new school was chosen and permission was granted many years ago, unfortunately until the technical office release the plans Algorfa council will not release any more information, but can say that the primary school will remain in the Village and it will be constructed on Algorfa land, it will have all the modern infrastructures with high technology throughout.

High school (Institute)

o Algorfa does not have its own High school because the municipal simply does not have the enough children to justify this, contrary to many articles recently released by the English press, Algorfa is not now, nor in the near future planning to build a High school on shared land. The nearest High schools for the Algorfa children to attend are in our neighbouring Town Almoradi, one of the high schools has recently had a complete refurbishment and is to a very high standard. Transportation is available to and from school, this is supplied for all children by the Alicante Diputacion in all residential areas as long as inscriptions have been made prior to the beginning of new term year.

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