Prince2 Project Management Process

Many people do not know about Prince2 project management. Prince2 project actually means projects in controlled environments which is a project management strategy or method which is denoted or referred to as the second round or iteration of the respective method. The office of government commerce which is a part of the UK government owns this trademark. There is a history of this methodology and that is that it was actually referred to as PROMPT2 which was only applied to the I.T. sector. This was also created and developed by the government. This project management strategy became very popular even outside the I.T. sector and was renamed as Prince2 in the year 1996. After that it has become an ideal methodology for doing the project management work.

We all know that a particular project is completed according to the different steps involved in PM. Basically there are seven different steps involved in completing a project.

The first step is considered to be the starting phase where the team is assigned with the particular project. All the details of the project are provided in this stage which involves the stipulated time that needs to be taken to complete the project and way all the work has to be done. Certain quality standards and norms have to be followed while doing the project work and team is expected to complete the work accordingly. The end result of the project needs to be achieved in a particular way. The PMO manager is also appointed in this phase who is supposes to supervise the team and see that the work is being completed in the right way. The planning of the next step or phase also starts in this level.

After this stage the actual work starts and the team starts following the information which was given in the first phase. They start planning the project by preparing the project plan. They need to look after factors like quality control and prepare and organize certain project files. The plan is prepared and finalized by the authority before moving to the next step.

The next step includes directing the project in the right direction. The authority will exercise some control over the project to maintain the quality and standard of the project. They will also prepare certain stage plans and processes which will help them if they have to face certain unexpected contingencies or problems. All these plans are prepared before they move on to the next phase.

After this stage certain boundaries are made for each stage which states the way in which the final output should be brought. If it is not made in the proper way then there are some other conclusions set for it. The next step includes the product delivery in the right time and proper way and the last stage includes the closing of the project.

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