Power Copywriting for Internet Marketing – Part I

Copywriting is the science of writing advertisements. Obviously this is a skill you need to master if you're going to make it big in internet marketing. People read off-line ads differently than they read something less commercial, say an article their interested in.

But on the Internet, people read very differently – often just barely skimming their way along! You've got to understand how we read on the Internet, and adjust your sales copy to fit. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Let's say we go to the bookstore and buy a magazine about some non-commercial subject we're interested in. By non-commercial, I mean we're buying something to read for pleasure, or to learn about something we're passionate about. For lack of a better topic, let's say we buy a magazine about fish breeding. (Just in case you actually know something about breeding fish, I do not.

Okay, we find an article about the mating habits of a very rare sub-species of guppy. (That's the only fish I know about because my kids have them – so, again, bare with me.)

What do we do next? Well, buy the magazine, take it home, fix a nice cup of tea and then settle down into our favorite chair or curl up on the couch and really enjoy reading every single delicious word of our guppy article. My point is, when you're reading something you're really interested in, how do you read it?

You read it more slowly! You savor it. Maybe even re-read some sentences to make sure you understand, or just to enjoy them again.

That's not how people read ads!

Who wants to read an ad, other than people like me who write them as a part of their business? Nobody likes ads. No one likes to be sold to.

I mean why not go to your local car dealership and listen to the salesman try to sell you a car just for fun. (Actually, my dad was a salesman, and when I was a kid, we did just that. But that's another story for another article!)

Ads, even for things you're interested in and know you might want to buy are at best interruptions!

Put this stuff on the Internet and it gets worse.

When you read anything on the Internet there are so many distractions. This is even more true when you're reading something you do not really want to read – like a sales letter.

So, we have to adjust our writing even more on the Internet, than we have to in print. Now that I've explained why you have to do this, to actually learn how to do it, read Part II of this article.

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