Commercial Landscaping in Orlando

As a business owner in the Orlando region, you have stiff competition when it comes to cure appeal. The presence of multibillion dollar budgets for theme parks, and high-end retailers stacked end to end in some areas of the city raises the bar for everyone with a commercial business. To catch the eye of passing motorists in their air-conditioned cars with tinted windows, you need a WOW factor that extends beyond your signage. Whether people realize it or not, plants can add pizazz to their storefronts.

Great Pizza-Maker, Terrible Gardener
If you are a successful business owner, you are probably great at your individual business niche-you would have to be, to survive today's rough and tumble economy. However, you may not be a super gardener. That is where commercial landscape companies fill in. It is a worthy investment to give your business, real estate holdings and other commercial a face-lift by hiring a commercial landscaper. A commercial landscaping business will know the ins and outs of creating a beautiful entrance for your business. They have the manpower and purchasing power to efficiently design, install, and maintain your commercial landscape. A couple of petunias in a pot will not cut it. To compete for people's attention, a rainbow of well-designed color is in order.

What your Commercial Landscaper can do for You
There is more to landscaping than planting some annuals and turning on the sprinkler. Landscapes in high-traffic areas such as strip malls, shopping malls and pedestrians plazas take a beating-intentional and otherwise. Contracting with a commercial landscaper can give you peace of mind that whatever happens to your property, it can and will be fixed promptly and efficiently. Just a few things that routinely happened to commercial landscapes: graffiti, run-over sprinkler heads, kick sprinkler heads, stuben plants, insect infestation, litter, leaf litter, storm damage and more. Commercial landscapers can take care of each of these situations to help you put your best foot forward.

Permits and More
A good reason to hire a landscaper certified by the FNGLA, the governing body of commercial landscapers, is that your approved commercial landscape contractor will know what permits are needed for new installation, and municipal rules and restrictions for landscape maintenance. A certified commercial landscaping company will also have all of the necessary insurance and pesticide licenses and training to keep you and your customers safe and happy. There is more to building a sidewalk than putting in a few bricks in the sand. Let a certified commercial landscape professional install your new landscaping and hardscape to keep your business current with all construction and accessibility regulations.

There are hundreds of landscaping companies listed in the phone book. Before you sign a contract, be certain to check their licenses, insurance, certification and references. Doing so will help ensure that you have a positive experience with your commercial landscaping contractor.

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