Brain Evolution and Charles Darwin's Theory

According to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, some species manage to survive and prevail in their environment, while other species tend to disappear because they are not strong enough. The selective process decides which species lives and which will become extinct, depending on their resistance.

This concept is accepted by many people until today and they refuse to understand that Darwin was wrong.

He was right when he discovered that the human being is an animal, but the evolution of the species does not occur based on the resistance of each species, as many biologists after Darwin provided to the world with their research.

They concluded that if the organism did not have the basis to evolve until certain point, it would never go further. There is a program that allows each organism to know how to have in its environment and how to solve its survival problems, including how to find food and be protected from enemies. There is also an evolutionary program in each organism's cognitive mechanism.

A monkey will never be as intelligent as a human being, no matter how many years it may live, because it does not have a proper brain. It was not programmed to be as intelligent as man. So, there is no natural selection: there are only many programs for each species. These programs define the animals' behavior, the route of their lives and evolution. The same happens in case of human beings.

Darwin's conclusions by observing the selective process were based on the knowledge of his time. He could not assume that there are several programs behind the selective process that prepares each species to resist natural selection, which means that this selection does not happen by chance.

When we try to understand the formation of the human brain and the appearance of the consciousness, we realize that this is a formation that has taken an incredibly long time. It can not be something that could have evolved in our planet, because our planet is too young and the components of the human brain and their functionalisms are too complex.

The formation of the first brain and conscience occurred by chance at a time so distant that we can not calculate it. It did not take place on our own planet, in the same way that the formula for the formation of the first live cell did not appear by chance in our planet because the planet's age (about 4.6 billion years old) is not sufficient to allow all the necessary combinations required by probability for the formation of the first live cell, since the permutations and combinations for this event would have been too many and they would have taken more time than the planet's age itself.

Therefore, we can conclude that the human being did not appear on Earth by chance. The human brain and the formula for the appearance of the animal life are ancient and could not have been developed in our young planet, but all the animals, including man, have behavioral programs in the mechanism through which they acquire knowledge. These programs permit their perfect functionalism and survival in a hostile environment. Programs that might have been prepared by a superior brain for sure, since they could not have appeared by chance.

Thus, the human being inherits an ancient brain that can think and feel and is aware of its existence, but one has to pass through the same evolutionary process through which all animals pass in this planet, because probably, one has to be tamed like them …

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