Top 3 Nutrition Tips for Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
About 2% of Americans have been diagnosed or are suspected to have fibromyalgia. There are probably millions more who have symptoms of fibromyalgia and go undiagnosed. Fibromyalgia is becoming more and more prevalent today, probably due to poor nutrition, environmental toxins, and stress – the perfect disease trifecta.
Symptoms of fibromyalgia include:
– Chronic muscle pain (across some or all major muscle groups)
– Chronic Fatigue
– Numbness or tingling sensations in hands or feet
– Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
– Restless Leg Syndrome
– Dizziness
– “Brain Fog” or “fibro fog” – People with fibromyalgia often have frequent loss of memory or general feeling of confusion and an inability to do basic tasks or focus for long periods of time.
If you have any of these symptoms, you might have fibromyalgia. Most doctors will say that there is no cure for fibromyalgia, and they’re right. But there are some very practical, simple, and effective things you can do to help your body recover and feel better.
Fibromyalgia Nutrition Tip #1:
Eat more fresh, raw, organic fruit and vegetables and consider a concentrated fruit and vegetable supplement.
Fruits and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants and are anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is highly associated with fibromyalgia and can contribute to fibromyalgia symptoms such as muscle pain. The more anti-inflammatory foods you eat, the better you will feel. So load up your plate with fresh, raw fruits, veggies, and berries.
Fresh produce also helps balance the immune system which is often compromised in those suffering from fibromyalgia. Boosting your immune system with fruits and vegetables will also help you stave off colds and infections and keep you healthier year round.
Fibromyalgia Nutrition Tip #2:
Supplement with Vitamin D.
We need 4000 to 6000 IU a day of Vitamin D and most people don’t get nearly enough. Even though the RDA for Vitamin D is only 400 IU a day, it’s sorely outdated. Researchers have found that over 70% of children are deficient or extremely deficient in Vitamin D today and this contributes to immune system imbalance and is correlated with fibromyalgia and other autoimmune diseases.
Fibromyalgia Nutrition Tip #3:
Eat more Omega-3 Fats.
Most Americans are extremely deficient in Omega-3 Fats and so experience inflammation and immune system dysfunction as a result. Scientists suggest that we should have a ratio of Omega-3 fats to Omega-6 fats in our diet of 1:1 whereas the average American today has a ratio of between 1:15 and 1:45!
Omega-3 fats are anti-inflammatory while omega-6 fats are pro-inflammatory. This huge imbalance in our diets can contribute to inflammatory diseases and conditions like fibromyalgia. Omega-3 Fats are very good for those with symptoms of fibromyalgia.
You can get more Omega-3 Fats by eating flax seeds, walnuts, deep-sea fish, or supplementing with flax seed oil or fish oil.
Fibromyalgia and Nutrition
Nutrition plays a key role in any fibromyalgia patient’s life. Try following these 3 Nutrition tips for fibromyalgia and take your health to the next level.