Do You Want to Be Told You Look Good?
I was meeting some of my colleagues the other day and since it was less than 6 months since we had last saw one another and my colleagues made a comment:
"Eugene, you are really looking great! Have you been doing a lot of exercise laately?"
I told him that is actually a combination of both exercising and taking nutritional supplements in particular a fat loss fiber supplement Consistently for the past 3 – 4 months that has made me look and become slimmer by losing about 6 inches and 7 Kg (notice that I did not write what I do not want, which is lost weight).
Not only did I feel that I look great, I felt much more energetic and had less days where I had to take short naps to revitalize.
Well, like what I had stated in my previous post, it is definitely not that easy to be explaining to someone who are not taking the necessary action and how good one feels after exercising and more importantly, taking nutritional supplements.
What are nutritional supplements anyway?
It is just food in a concentrated form to get all the nutrients from. If you are not taking it, you will never know what you are missing. Nutritional supplements is also one of the things that I practice to achieve good health in an acronym SEED S.
What is SEEDS?
It actually means:
S – Sleep an average of 6 – 8 hours per day, depending on how much sleep you need.
E – Eat a balanced diet, not an over indulgence of the food that you like.
E – Exercise at least 3 to 4 times each week and 30 minutes each time.
D – Drink at least over 2 liters of water spaced out during the day, not at one go
S – Supplements, taking nutritional supplements consistantly every day.
So, this is what I do to practice good habits leading to good health. Are you committed to do whatever it takes to achieve good health?