My Sales Funnel Theory of Article Marketing VII

By only creating products to fit into your sales funnel that only people who already have a start would be interested in, you avoid all the problems that beginners cause. And if you are a beginner reading this – do not be offended. Go out, get a web site, start building a list, write 10 articles – and you are no longer a beginner.

So now I will get back to what I was talking about in Part V – what kind of product could you come up with that will have a value of $ 5000? Assuming you are a dog trainer, but of course you can be a dating expert or a fishing expert, or anything – but with the dog trainer example, here are some ideas:

1) You could create a training program to take a beginner or intermediate dog trainer to the next level. Now before you write that off, think about this (and apply it to whatever field you are in): How much does a beginner dog trainer make? Nothing? Something like that? How about an intermediate? Maybe $ 30,000 per year? An advanced dog trainer? Maybe $ 60,000 plus? So in both cases, moving from beginner to intermediate, or intermediate to advanced – the person with your training is now able to make $ 30,000 per year more than they could before.

So $ 5000 is a fair price for a training program that actually gives someone enough info that they could go to the next level with their profession. And of course this idea is transferable to fishing training, or dating coach training, or dance training, or wood working training – whatever you are in, if you can charge someone to learn, you can pretty much apply this model.

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