Ensure That Your E-Store Is Well Equipped for the Holiday Season

Most of the bulk annual business happens during the traditional holiday season and such other holiday opportunities. While that is true, it's also true that many retailers discover their process inefficiencies and the disconnected data flows that extremely result in poor customer experiences right when it matters the most. This leads to lost sales and more importantly, damaged reputation.

So, as you plan for the holiday season for peak sales, it's crucial that you ensure that your ecommerce ecosystem is up to the task. So, how prepared is your business and your solution for the coming holiday season?

Ask yourself the following questions to find out:

Is a lot of time invested manually moving data?

What seem like 'quick' manual processes related to orders and fulfillment, historically translate to significant slowdowns and errors during peak period. This leads to inefficiencies in operations at a time when you could be the most successful.

Are sales channels accurately showing product availability?

If you rely on manual processes for keeping sales and inventory in sync, your ability to sell right will be hampered when there is a spike in the order volumes. When stock inventory is wrongly represented on your website, it creates a completely frustrating customer experience. Accurate product availability is even more crucial when you sell across multiple channels.

Is product and price information up to date?

Changes that you make to the product catalog need to automatically reflect across all your selling channels. To keep customers happy, it is essential that they have up-to-the-minute information on price and product details such as colors, descriptions, images, and sizes.

What about customer expectations after the order is placed?

Fulfilment targets for most sellers sometimes becomes impossible to meet when orders spike during the holiday season. Your orders need to automatically flow from the Magento commerce storefront to the fulfillment center.

Returns and cancellation policy

Recent studies show that nearly 50% of online shoppers returned an item they purchased online. 95% of shoppers indicated that they would buy again from the same e-store, if they had a positive returns experience. So make sure that you have a clear and customer friendly returns policy.

Beyond the traditional peak holiday selling spikes, there are other selling opportunities that cause big jumps in the order volumes and your ability to track and fulfill orders must match the customers' expectations.

So, ensure that your Magento platform is seamlessly integrated with the backend systems that automate orders and manage inventory – at a time when it is needed the most.

It's also a good to have the right systems in place and intelligently integrated before the holiday season arrives.

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