Internet And Privacy Issues

The increases to the use of internet by people, in many instances are unaware of the information being collected about them. In contrast to these, people concerned about the privacy and security issues are limiting their use of the Internet, eliminating them from purchasing products online. Businesses must be aware to the fact that users are looking for privacy protection, which can help to ease users concerns. In particular, websites utilizing cookies and scanning statements. Global reliability on the Internet privacy protection is essential to improve the growth of e-commerce.

To some people, Internet privacy and protection concerns are not special issues, and some are just over sensitive as they realize that the Internet is growing. In fact, shopping online is not different from shopping in the store. They equally create the same privacy concern. Tracking a person's navigation while online can be compared to a camera looking on people moving while in a store.

Your activity online may not seem worth tracking as you browse different websites, storing contents through cloud services, posting updates to social networking websites. But the data you produce is rich form of information, saying more about your activities than you realize.

Battles have long raged over how third parties can access and use your data. Globally, online privacy faces new threats, as a result of emerging technologies that could have an effect on how your Web-based life is protected or exposed.

One need to pay close attention to the under listed major threats. This includes:

# 1: Cookie proliferation

The unseen cookie software that tracks your browser and personal data are likely to multiply in 2016. Your system is liable to accumulate more cookies. The truth here is "Advertising companies, marketers, and other data profiteers depend on cookies to no more on your identity", learning what you may be interested in shopping. Five (5) to ten (10) years ago, if you opened some specific websites in your web browser, you would get a cookie from their advertising / marketing agents, maybe a couple, and that would basically be it.

# 2: Seizing cloud data

You loving how easy it is to grab date through cloud services-and so do law enforcement agencies. Gartner predicts that 36% of the US consumer content will be stored in the cloud by 2016.

But when you use email service, storing files in Google Drive, or upload, everything you write, or post gets stored in a server related to the online service and not to you. The only true protection is to understand that anything you put up there can be accessed by somebody else.

# 3: Location data betrayal

Your mobile phone is the primary Nosy Parker, but your location you post to social networking websites are revealing sources, too. Showing your whereabouts get easier as other location-beaming devices from smarter watches to Google Glass to second cars come online.

"When you leave your house and go to a friend's house, run every day jobs, visit a lover-whatever you do-if your Geo-location is tracked and recorded, senior policy analyst Jay Stanley of ACLU's Speech, Privacy and Technology Program says that's a lot of information about you, ".

Equipped with this data, advertisers might (for example) send you promotions for nearby businesses, wherever you are.

# 4: Data never hopes a face

Posting and tagging photos online may feel like fun, but behind the scenes it helps build a facial recognition catalog which makes avoiding notice increasingly difficult for anyone.

"Most consumers are in the leading facial recognition database in the world, which are the social networking websites," the massive quantity of photos uploaded to this websites makes it a giant-for the privacy issues surrounding this technology.

If these social networking websites uses this data strictly to help you find other people you know on their website, it might be okay. But Lynch says that when social networking websites sells user information to third parties, picture data may be integrated-and the sanctity of the information later is uncertain. "Social networking websites says they take concern in protecting the data, but we do not know how they do it," she says.

# 5: Scanning in the name of cyber security

You may not be a hacker, but that does not mean your online activity will not be scanned for signs of cyber crime. The federal government has made cyber security a high priority, as concerns are raised over the vulnerability of the nation's infrastructure to a web-based attack.

"Make no mistake, everything we touch that is digital in the future will be a data source."

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