Back to School – Planning Tips For Parents
Parents. . . are you excited? It's almost time for the kids to go back to school !!
Getting ready for back to school can be exciting. What's more fun than seeing your little ones dressed in new clothes with their new lunch boxes, book bags and happy faces?
As exciting as this can be, it can also be a hassle for you and your children if you're not prepared.
Here are some helpful things to consider when getting ready for back to school to make this your best year ever:
- Do Some Thinking & Planning Think about what happened last year. What worked? What did not? What can you do differently this year? How can you be more prepared? How can you make learning fun?
- Teach By Example There's an old (but true) saying: "More things are caught than taught . This means your children are more likely to learn from you by observing what you do than what you say. Be prepared. Learning how to plan ahead and good organizing habits will help your children through their lifetime journey.
- Prepare Tonight Prepare tonight for tomorrow morning. Get everyone involved. You do not have to do everything for them. Teach them to be prepared so they will be prepared for their future. Remember, part of being a parent is being out of a job!
- Get Help Teach good preparation skills. Get the kids to help with making lunches, filing papers, calendaring, picking out what they will wear the next day, packing their bags with books, homework, etc. There will be less stress for everyone. Make sure they put away their dirty clothes in the hampers and hang things up. A clean sweep at night makes a better tomorrow morning!
- Get Yourself Ready If you have a range of wee ones , you probably will need to pack many things in the car: strollers, diaper bags, sporting equipment, etc. Put everything you can into the car the night before.
- Breakfast Cafe Get your breakfast spot ready for in the morning. Have your coffee / tea station stashed and ready to go. Get out the cereal, bowls, spoons, napkins. Have those bins stashed with on-the-go snacks for breakfast in the car.
A little thinking and planning ahead on your part will make this new school year the best ever.