By-Rote Combinations

Do not believe that practicing "by rote" 1-2-3, etc. type "responses" to street attacks is a viable or particularly useful training exercise. Example: He does this, I do that. For attack AI use Defense A.

Realize that in a street fight there are far too many variables, too many contingencies. Uncle Murphy rules the roost. Terrain, weather, injuries, any number of unforeseen deficiencies is one major concern.

The variety of assailants (size, number, weight, height, mental state, tolerance to pain, clothing) is another major stumbling block.

Train your "tools", study your "targets" and master your "opening gambit", anything "rehearsed" past that point, that initial sudden and explosive action is unrealistic.

ANYONE with real experience knows this. Whatever can go wrong ……. WILL! So your training must emphasize instinctive and spontaneous "reactions" as opposed to attempted by rote "responses". You "take" whatever the attacker gives you, or make whatever opening you need, but there is NO way to know this before hand!

Many so-called "combative" systems miss the most fundamental principle of training …….. KISS!

A padded syllabus may "look" impressive and "complete" but in light of the stark realities of survival, they are counter-productive.

Get your "tools" in the Old School Series. Those of you who practice with Video OS1, Fundamentals of Unarmed Combat know what I am talking about. Remember to Practice REACTIONS not RESPONSES! Practice to react a certain way. That's a few combinations of two or three techniques practiced over and over again.

HOMEWORK: Take the combination of a Short Ax Hand, Long Ax hand, Chin jab and a Knee (from Video OS1). on a SparPro or heavybag- what ever you can hit Practice this 300 times a day. After 5 days let me know what you find.

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