The Importance of Educational Toys in Child Development

At a certain phase of early age development, children seem to be inseparable from their toys. Although the basic purpose of toys is to simply create fun time playing, toys manufacturers are encouraged to provide educational-oriented toys in order to help children to learn and develop fundamental abilities such as cognitive thinking, physical skills, problem-solving, numbers, language, colors, and more. Since toddlers or preschoolers are getting more familiar with digital-based games, educational toys manufacturers will have to overcome difficult challenges in the market. Toys factories need to be very creative, so they can provide interesting, fun, yet educating toys for children.

Basically, toy and education can be combined into something interesting and addicting which attracts children to keep developing important skills in life. Nonetheless, parents should be aware that children play with different types of toys based on any particular stage of early age development; for instance, infants or babies enjoy playing interactive games while toddlers’ or preschoolers’ games tends to be more physical-oriented. Logically, babies want to explore the environment and learn to understand emotions; when they grow older, they need to improve their physical or motor skills. If chosen carefully, educational toys can greatly promote healthy physical and psychological development in children. Some of the most important functions of educational toys for children are listed in the following passages.

1. Development of social skills

Social skill is possibly the first thing for infants or babies to learn. As mentioned earlier, babies should prepare to explore the environment and learn to understand emotion. Educational toys, such as board games, can actually help babies to socialize with others. Board games commonly involve taking turns, sharing, and learning not to interrupt others.

2. Development of cognitive skills

Cognitive skills include memorizing, problem-solving, recognizing colors, etc. It is also important that young children learn about size and numbers. Children can easily achieve these basic cognitive skills by playing with colorful physical toys such as puzzles.

3. Development of language skills

Interactions with others encourage children to express their feelings. They need to learn to use language and speak properly. Fortunately, modern toys manufacturers can create advanced robotic-toys that can speak as well as ask questions. With proper guidance from parents or older children, learning how to speak properly can be fun. Young children will tend to imitate the sound or voice spoken by the toys. It is also possible that educational toys manufacturers attach images to the toys so children can learn about names of things.

4. Development of motor skills

Toddlers need to develop muscle abilities and balance as they prepare to explore the environment. They tend to play with toys that require them to move major parts of the body including fingers, legs, hands, etc.

5. Development of logic and imaginations

Toys allow children to use their imaginations; however, children will also need to use logic and critical thinking. They will recognize their surroundings and develop awareness of the environment.


Toys can be both fun and educating. When parents provide excellent toys for their children based on specific stage of early age development, toys can actually promote healthy physical and mental growth. It is as well a great challenge for educational toys manufacturer to deliver different types of playthings that are suitable for children’s needs.

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