Football Betting Odds
There is one major misconception about football betting odds – that they closely predict the outcome of the game. Football betting odds are actually designed to bring in the largest number of bets. So one person will see the spread on a game and what to go with the favorite and another will bet the spread of the loss. While football betting odds will give a sense of which team is more likely to win the game, the line will not necessarily predict the final score.
It is up to the bettor to do some additional research. How did the team fare last weekend? Does the team have a strong defense, a weak defense? Does this week's opposing team have a good offensive line? There's only so much football betting odds can tell you. You can get a pretty good sense of the odds based on a team's overall record, but there may be other factors – such as recent injuries – that will affect the odds.
If you're just starting out with football betting, the football betting odds are a good general guideline. A Money Line Wager is a good beginner's bet – betting team which is going to win. Depending on the amount of your bet, these bets can have a good payout. As you become more accredited to football betting, the process can be more complicated. For example, a Parlay bet will factor in the spread for a number of games – perhaps five or more. In this case, the football betting odds are instrumental in making a large Parlay betting pick.
A Parlay bet can potentially have the largest payout for the lowest amount of risk. Look at it this way: if you bet $ 200 on a Money Line Wager and lose, then game over. With a Parlay bet, you have two or more chances to win. If you are correct two, five, or ten times at once, you can potentially win tens of thousands of dollars. Parlay bettors live by the betting lines set by odd makers, as these will determine which games of the week have the lowest risk.