Social Network Marketing Vs "Old School" Network Marketing Methods
Well, it seems that all over the "web" now days you hear, or see, WEB 2.0, or attraction marketing. It is not "new", yet it is in its infancy in terms of the web and network marketing. So, what are the real differences? Let's "delve" into it, shall we? In the "old school" model which started way back when, it was a common practice to "sign up" a "prospect" (by selling them a "kit") some of you will remember those! After teasing into the box and looking at the goodies inside, you were told to make a list of everyone you know. Your "upline" told you to call everyone because they all need what we have, they just do not know it yet.
So basically the old school method was to make a list and call everyone on it. Problem is, most everyone has been BOMBARDED with the "best" opportunity already and everyone's business is "The Best", just ask them. So after you call everyone on your list, then what? The three foot rule applications! What, that's just crazy. Not everyone is looking for something. Fact is some people are just happy being broke, or just getting by.
So any way, the old school methods have been tried and tested over time, and because of that fact alone, it's time for a change. Enter Attraction / Social Network Marketing! Now, there are a lot of "methods" out there, just Google it, everyone has a formula that will get you $ 10,000 a day, buy this and WHAM, you are being inundated with "prospects." So how do you know what's good and what's to be avoided? Good question, fact is, you probably can not get to $ 10,000 a day, without some effort.
So, do your due diligence and look into the program you seek. So, what am I saying? Find a program that TEACHES you HOW TO, with videos, and tutorials that are easy to follow, and that are actually working. Slick ads and magic formulas are a dime a dozen. I have found one that literally gives you STEP BY STEP directions, easy to follow formulas, and actually gets results. And it will not cost you a year's pay to do so. Due Diligence! It can and does work (attraction Marketing), so good luck, and we'll see you in the funny papers.
J Michael