The Importance of a Batting Cage Net

The use of a batting cage net is essential in making baseball practices more efficient, practical and just plain fun. Naturally, not just any ordinary net will do, considering the power and impacts that these practice tools must withstand.

Cage nets come in different deniers, or thread counts, of twine-type materials, most commonly nylon or polyethylene. While cheap nets can be sourced from certain places, chances are these nets will be made of low-quality material and may break easily with the amount of force a good pitch can deliver. This, of course, defeats the original purpose of the net.

Nets for battating cages are meant to trap balls thrown as missed pitches. This saves a lot of time and energy that would otherwise be wasted collecting errant balls on a field or even in the stands. With such a tool, players and other team members are focused on the task at hand, which in this case, is batting practice.

Batting nets are most often left stationary; that is, attached to a batting cage without ever being removed. As such, they are exposed to all the harshness that the elements can bring. A scorching sun, for example, emits UV rays that can quickly weaken the twine that makes up a cage net. Rain, snow and freezing winds can also do their own damage to a net.

Manufacturers of high-quality nets counter the damage the elements can inflict with specialized chemical solutions such as UV inhibitors. Of course, using only the finest high-density, non-corrosive fibers should be a given as well. These factors, among others, spell the difference between a bargain-bin batting cage net and one that will truly perform for its users.

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