Network Marketing Advice – Is Purpose Important When It Comes to Your Network Marketing Business?

There's more to network marketing than just constantly giving out strategies, and tactics.

A lot of network marketing has to do with mindset.

One of those aspects of mindset are extremely important and imperative to carrying out any of the strategies that you may learn.

What May Be the Most Important Network Marketing Advice for Making Any Strategy Useful

One of the things that I've noticed in my twenty five years in the network marketing industry is that people often come into this business without a very good reason. They come in very aimless way. They have no real direction of why they've joined other than it just appeared like a good idea at the time … and a way to make a lot of money according to their upline sponsor.

But that's really no way to start out on any venture.

It's almost a recipe for disaster in fact.

The fact is that PURPOSE is extremely important in any venture that you partake. When it comes to network marketing advice, it's one of the pieces of advice that I give out the most. Very likely because I've seen first hand how not having a sense of direction and purpose can be the ultimate death to any network marketing dream.

Purpose is defined by Merriam-Webster as "something set up as an object or end to be attained" …

That last word is very important. What is it that you hope to attain from starting this venture into network marketing? What were you thinking about when you signed up?

Was it making tons of money? That's perfectly fine if it was. That's a great purpose, if that's what you want. But sometimes you have to dig a little deeper to get the real reason of your purpose.

You have to ask a lot of WHY questions.

Why do you want more money? Why will this help you? What will you use that money for? (okay so that last one is not a "Why" question)

Many people are shocked when they do this exercise because they realize that the purpose that they thought was even not really their purpose at all. For instance many people realize that what they would do is quit their job so that they can spend more time with their family. So, the money is just a vehicle for what they really want, which is time freedom. They want to be able to do what they want, when they want, without having to get permission from a boss to do so.

Others realize that they just want to make enough money so they never have to feel the stress of debt and where they're going to pay the next bill. While others want to be able to pay their debts, plus the debts of those that love, and / or the debts of those in their church.

In other words some people are not really into this for themselves as much as they think they are. They're purpose is to serve others, and it's important that they know this, and therefore do everything they can to use network marketing as a vehicle to be able to achieve that purpose.

It's important that you take this network marketing advice serious, or you may find yourself swimming languidly without a purpose.

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