How To Start A Business And You Really Make Money In Your Own Business
Do not let all the difficulties in running a business stop you from starting your business.
Do not even let those who have failed in their businesses discourage you from making money and succeed in the business world.
Let this article be a great encouragement to you at this moment, it does not matter whether you are now thinking of starting a business, in the process of starting your business or you are already in your own business.
Although it is not that easy to start a business, because there are so many things you need to do before you can really make money and succeed in business.
However, I honestly believe you will make money and succeed when you are running your own business.
It is because I also believe the moment you decided to start your own business, you already have a very strong determination to succeed in the business world.
The most important thing you need to do now is – read this article seriously many times to make sure you really do one very important thing – a good preparation before you start running your business.
The first thing is to make sure you are truly well-prepared and you really know how to make money and succeed in this intense competitive world market.
The second thing is to make sure you are very confident in running your business and you really know how to prevent earlier failure in business that is so common in the business world.
Moreover, any moment you feel discouraged when you are running your business, always remember to come back and read this article, it will inspire you and help you regain your self-confidence, you will move on confidently until you really make money and succeed in your own business.
Here are the Three Important Steps that I believe they will help you tremendously when you are doing your preparation before you start running your business.
Step One: Preparation
1. Business documentation, accounting and taxes
Get a professional accountant to help you in business documentation, accounting and taxes. It will save you time and effort, so that you can immediately focus on business development to bring in profits into your new business.
2. Focus on one business at a time and make it a great success
Do not be a jack of all trades, starting many businesses before you really make money and succeed in your first business. You can start another business if you want when you really make money and succeed in your first business.
3. Do your market research before you start your business.
Do not simply start a business just because you think your new product or services can make money in this world market. Seriously put in your time and effort in doing your market research and know precisely wherever there is a potential for you to really make money with your new product or services.
4. Get your success master plan ready
Write down your business vision in your success master plan and put in more details on how you want to succeed in business. Read your success master plan regularly and know your daily progress until you really make money and succeed as what you have written in your success master plan.
5. Learn and be a master in selling and marketing
Do not start a business until you really know how to sell and market your business ideas, your products or services. Selling and marketing are the two main business activities that will bring in profits into your business.
You have to sell your business ideas, products or services to those who joined you and they are helping you in your business – your sales personals, your distributors and traders. You also have to train them and guide them in the selling and marketing of your business ideas, products and services to the consumers and businesses.
6. Create an effective business system
It will minimize your daily work pressure and stress in running the business. It will also make sure the business work flow is always stable and consistent and you really give the best standard of services to the consumers. You may also franchise your business to expand your business market.
Make sure everyone in your business organization seriously follows your business system and they really understand the benefits for them when they follow the system, whether it is a simple checklist or work flow chart and monitoring system. New employee will easily take over the work should someone suddenly leaves your organization. Keep on improving your system to meet the growing demand of the consumers as your business grow and expand in the market.
7. Keep a business capital reserve in your new business
It does not matter how much business capital you have raised for your new business, but keep a capital reserve for two years' business fixed expenses, because you may not make a profit in the first two years. This will enable you to focus on business development without financial worry until you really make a profit in the business.
8. Always be a major shareholder in your own business
Remember to keep at least 60% of your business shares and always be a major shareholder in your own business. Do not oversell your business shares in the market if you are using your business shares as an exchange for raising your business capital. Otherwise, even though you are the founder of the business but you will easily lose your post as the CEO – Chief Executive Officer in your own business.
9. Maintain a good physical health condition
Daily exercise, having a good sleep every night and eating a balance diet everyday to make sure your physical health is always in good condition. You will then able to focus on your daily business activity, leading a team of people to really make money and succeed in this intense competitive world market.
Step Two: Start Running Your Business
1. Understand the grand purpose of your emotional feeling
You must truly understand the grand purpose of your emotional feeling and "why it is so important" you must always feel good and happy when you are running your business, so that you know fairly how to allow your wonderful emotional feeling to guide you prevent earlier failure in business and how to really make money and succeed in this competitive world market.
2. Become a great leader in your own business
The moment you decided to start a business, you are already a leader in your own business. As long as you are willing to learn and improve your leadership, you will truly become a great leader, unite and lead your team of people achieving your vision in your own business.
3. Focus on sales and marketing of business ideas, products and services
Your goal in business is to make profit and without making a good profit, very soon you will be out of business. Therefore, you must focus on sales and marketing that will bring in profits into your business.
4. Keep a healthy cash flow in your bank account
Without keeping a healthy cash flow in your bank account, it will also lead you to business failure. Always consult your accountant to make sure you wisely control your business expenses, so that you will never have to face with cash flow problem in business.
5. Create products or services that are truly great and remarkable
Make sure you create products or services that are really great in solving the consumers' problems. You must also make sure there is quality consistency in your products or services before you deliver them to the consumers.
6. Do not sell inferior quality products and services to consumers
If you are selling other people's products and services, make sure you sell products and services that are truly great and remarkable. Inferior products and services will bring more problems and inconvenience to consumers and ruin all your efforts in building the business, and it can also bring you to earlier business failure.
7. Provide excellent services to consumers
Always give the world's best services to the consumers. Make sure they really feel good and happy when they are buying your products or services and they really enjoy a long-term good experience in using your products or services. The consumers will be very happy to recommend your products or services to potential customers.
8. Do not expand your business too fast
Seriously put in your time and effort to grow your new business. Make sure your business is stable and really make profits before you think of expanding your business in this world market.
9. Helping the world economic climate to improve
When you are in business, you are also here to help those who are starting their own business and those who are already in business to succeed in business. The easiest way to do it is encourage them to read this article. When many businesses in the world succeed, the world economic climate will improve. Consumers and businesses in the market will have more money to buy your products or services. Your own business will also easily succeed and flourish in this world market.
Step Three: Do not Give-Up Until You Really Make Money And Succeed
1. Do not afraid of intenet market competition
Intense market competition is always good for you and all business people. It is here to stimulate your strong mind to think and you will then come out with new business idea, new marketing strategy, new product or new form of services to compete with others in this world market. Intense market competition is here helping the growth of businesses and the economic growth of this wonderful world you live, it is truly the wonders of the business world.
2.You must not afraid if your business suddenly turn bad
In every unpleasant situation that is happening in your business, there is always a great benefit for you – it is forcing you to make the necessary changes and you will see an impressive improvement in the way you run your business.
3. Have a strong determination to succeed in business
It is really your determination to succeed that will help you go through all the troubles in business. It is also really your strong determination to succeed that will make sure you will not easily give-up until you really make money and succeed in your own business.
1. Read this article seriously many times until you really do a good preparation before you start running your business. Whenever you feel discouraged when they are running your business, always remember to come back and read this article, it will truly inspire you to move on until you actually succeed in business.
2. You must really understand the grand purpose of your emotional feeling and know precisely "why it is so important" you must always feel good and happy when you are running your business, so that you know how to allow your wonderful emotional feeling to guide you really make money and succeed in your own business.
3. Sincerely share this article with as many business people as you can to help them succeed in business. When many businesses in the world succeed, the world economic climate will improve, your business will also easily succeed in this world market. Is not it wonderful in the world of business?