The Elemental Philosophy of Montessori Pre-School Education

In Montessori education, students are active participants in their own learning.

Young students experience and discover the specially created Montessori learning materials at their own pace; growing in self-esteem and cultivating their own desire to learn as they become autonomous learners.

Let's explore the four Major Montessori curricular areas and take a look at three of the more popular Minor Montessori curriculum areas presented in a carefully created Montessori learning environment:

Math : In Montessori Pre-school, we expose the students to a pre-math foundation which includes the use of concrete, manipulative materials for learning beginning mathematical concepts. The Montessori Math curriculum places an emphasis on the development of spatial and size discrimination as teachers give the children the ability to understand simple and advanced mathematical concepts.

In a carefully created environment, students are then able to use the mathematical concepts that they have learned to develop solutions to mathematical problems in a variety of simple and complex contexts.

Language : In a carefully created learning environment, young students develop reading readiness skills for reading and speaking, such as left to right sequencing, auditory perception, visual discrimination, language growth and comprehension. Skilled educators use a phonetic based approach; advocating to whole language and sight words. Within a very short time, young learners are recognizing words, word patterns, patterns of speech and they begin speaking in complete sentences.

Sensorial : Educators recognize that children learn by using all their senses. Montessori education focuses on sensory exploration. Teachers encouragement imitation, initiation, pattern completion, and classification of the relationship between objects.

These practices enable the young learner to engage in a more independent learning experience as they observe, appreciate and interact with their environment.

Everyday Living : This Montessori curriculum area focuses on care of self, care of the environment, grace, peace and courtesy. The children achieve order within themselves, cooperation with others and experience independence while practicing and experiencing daily tasks.

Geography and Cultural Studies : Montessori education places great emphasis on the cultural curriculum. Skilled educators introduce the young children to the whole universe and the connection between every living thing to create harmony in our world.

Learning to accept and appreciate cultural differences is critical to the development of world peace and a developed sense of inner peace.

Music and Movement : Since movement is intimately connected with learning, the Montessori model of education brings music and movement into the classroom on a daily basis. Songs, rhymes, musical instruments, rhythmic finger play, balance beam practice, yoga and physical expression are just a few of the activities that are used to develop large and small motor skills in children.

Art: Creativity flourishes in an atmosphere of acceptance and trust. By fosting an environment that encourages creative development, Montessori educators are able to introduce materials which stimulate the students' interest and involvement, with an emphasis on the sensory aspects of experience.

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