Basketball Team Drills

Basketball Trophies can be given for a variety of reasons, not just as standard end-of-season gifts. Keep an eye on your team as you go through daily practices and drills. This is the first in a series of three articles focused on various drills to keep your team on top of their game.

Part One: Practice as a Team, Play as a Team.

Kobe. Shaq. Magic. Bird. The list of basketball greats goes on and on, but even Charles Barkley could not have gotten to where he did without the support of a great team flanking him on the court.

Chest passes are an essential part of basketball. Get these right, and you will be unstoppable. To practice, stand teams about 8 feet apart from each other. To make the pass, step forward on the right foot, extend arms, and flick through the wrists as you pass. Every fifth throw, switch to stepping out on your left foot. This goes back and forth until coach blows the whistle. Each whistle blow, step 5 feet back from your partner, until you are unable to pass effectively.

Equally important as passing is agility. Players need to be able to change the speed and direction of play in a heartbeat. These Cone Drills are sure to keep your team on their toes at all times.

Sliding drills. Place 2 cones 8 feet apart. Slide as fast as you can from one side to the other. Move them 10, 12, 14 feet apart, repeat.

The Weave. Place 4 marks in a line 3 yards apart. Stagger another 4 3 yards to the left, so that it makes a zigzag pattern on the floor. Sprint from the start line to the first marker. Then side step, leading with the left to the next column. Return to the first column by sliding with your right. Repeat until the end, then sprint back to the start line.

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