The Meaning of Blood in Dreams – Dream Interpretation As a Science

Most dreams are warnings because we make too many mistakes in life. We are constantly influenced by our wild conscience, while our human conscience is one-sided and under-developed.

Our wild and primitive conscience (anti-conscience) is still active inside us. The anti-conscience is our animal, cruel, and totally absurd personality. It generates mental illnesses within our human conscience in order to control our behavior.

Fortunately, the wise unconscious mind that produces our dreams has a divine origin and a saintly nature. All dream messages have a protective character because the unconscious mind is a doctor and teacher who helps us preserve our mental stability and eliminate our wild nature.

For example, dreams about blood indicate suffering. This suffering is usually the consequence of the dreamer’s mistakes.

Whenever there is blood coming out from the dreamer’s head in a dream, the dreamer is receiving a serious warning: he or she suffers from a mental illness. He must urgently pass through psychotherapy. The unconscious psychotherapy in dream messages helps all dreamers eliminate the roots of absurdity from their minds. This is how they find sound mental health forever.

Since blood in dreams represents pain and this pain is caused by the dreamer’s mistakes (because he/she is influenced by his absurd anti-conscience), the truth is that blood and mental disorders are always related in dreams, even when the blood doesn’t come out of the dreamer’s head.

For example, a certain dreamer who used to abuse her body dreamt that she was paralyzed in her bed, and she couldn’t move. While she was immobilized this way, there was blood coming out from her body.

Since the dreamer was in her bed, this means that she was sick. This shocking dream scene indicates that the dreamer suffers from a mental illness. Her disease is a mental disorder, and not a physical disease.

The blood that was coming out from her body was the pain she was feeling for being mentally ill. However, she couldn’t move because she was passively accepting the absurdity of her anti-conscience, which was invading her human conscience and destroying her human side.

She needed an urgent treatment. Fortunately, she was following dream therapy. The same dreamer had many dreams that clearly revealed a suicidal tendency.

Pay attention to your dreams, and pay attention to the dreams of others. You may learn the dreams of your friends or family members. Whenever they mention blood in their dreams, you should help them understand that they need psychotherapy. In case you have dreams about blood, especially coming out of your head, you should urgently follow dream therapy.

I can translate your dreams for you. In the beginning my fast translations will help you start solving your basic problems without delay. Later you’ll study my dynamic method of instant dream translation (derived from Carl Jung’s method of dream interpretation) and translate your dreams yourself.

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