Taste and Convenience Vs Nutrition and Health

With the advancement of technology came the ability to generate massive amounts of food through various methods of processing and packaging.

A lot of energy was spent throughout the years finding ways to make our food tastier, like adding saturated fat and salt, and making it more convenient like drive thrus at our local fast food establishments.

While the food industry evolved down the path, the medical industry paid very little attention to the importance food has on the nutritional life of the body. In relation to ones health and well being the medical industry concentrated on creating different drugs to combat all the various ailments and diseases caused by the unhealthy food we consume.

It is known that proteins, vitamins and mineral are critical to good health, and according to Dr. DicQie Fuller's book The Healing Power of Enzymes, enzymes are just as critical. We must receive a daily dose of proteins, vitamins, minerals and enzymes if our body is to function properly the way it was created to.

Our skin is completely replaced every 1-3 months. It takes 90 days for old bone to be broken down and replaced by new bone, and our bodies manufacture 200 billion red blood cells each day, replacing all the blood in our body every 120 days.

Using protein, vitamins, minerals and enzymes our body regenerates itself miraculously. Without a daily supply of these nutrients our body and mind deteriorates because we are not able to fully replace the dye cells in our internal and external organs. The soil is depleted of the earths natural nutrients, so our food is also depleted.

The processed food we consume on a regular basis is literally killing us. Join the wellness revolution today. Began to live longer, healthier lives, replace the nutrients for our bodies need with supplements and move that body. Slowly if you have too but move it.

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