How to Play Video Games Responsibly

First off, I will admit that I was once a video game addict. It first starts when you buy your first console. A person, especially children, will play their game systems for hours on end when they first acquire a gaming system. At first, this seems like no big deal, but this ‘game binging’ develops into something far worse.

As new gamers progress, they begin to make time for video games. An example of this would be setting a time to finish homework so that a game could be played. Tip number one is: NEVER make time to play a video game. Let down time be time to play video games. If you let the game create its own time in your life, you are in essence allowing it to take over.

MMORPGs are perhaps the most addictive of video games. You can spend hours playing WoW or Runescape, but never actually get to the level or place you wanted to. This leads to overplaying and in turn addictive behavior. Tip number two is: Set reasonable in-game goals in order to maintain a positive experience and also keep your time under control.

When you have everything under control with gaming, it will not feel like a job, but rather a pastime or hobby. You will feel no huge desire to play because it is no big deal to you.

When all is said and done, if you still have a feverish addiction to gaming, my solution is: just become a video game tester or get a job within the industry. Game testers are not considered addicts because they work within the industry. You don’t even have to be a pro or master to become one. They get paid well as you progress through the gaming industry and gain experience. Why not try it out if you have an uncanny penchant for gaming. Work at Gamestop if you have a passion for gaming because others will be glad to listen to you for advice.

Video game addiction is becoming serious business as the numbers of gamers keeps growing worldwide. Do not lose your sense of reality and remember my two main tips to keeping it under control: never make time to play a game and set reasonable in-game goals. Play on gamers!

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