Finding an Article Ghost Writer For Article Marketing

Finding an article ghost writer for article marketing is not really difficult: there are many of them around. However, finding a good ghostwriter that you can trust to do a good job for you is not so easy. This is particularly true if English is not your main language, because how do you know if the article is well written or not?

Most tend to go to the online ghost writing services, and search for a writer there. You will certainly find a lot on sites such as Elance, but what kind of service do you expect for $ 5 or less? Or even $ 10? Sure, you will get an article, but does it meet the high standards that you should expect of a paid service?

Here is what you should expect of a good article ghostwriter in order that you can use the article for a successful article marketing campaign:

1. Keyword Research

Your article ghost writer should be able to carry out the keyword research for you. In fact, it is almost essential because your ghostwriter will know the type of keyword you need to make the best use of your article. Normal keyword rules do not apply with articles, since they have multiple functions. Here are some points you should keep in mind:

a) A good keyword for a web page listing on Google will not necessarily be a good one for an article directory. If you are seeking a good listing on Google then you should be seeking a keyword that has low supply but high demand – very hard to come by, but it can be done with the right kind of keyword research.

b) If you want your article to be read on the article directories, then a high demand is best, irrespective of the supply. Most of that supply, and hence your competition, will be from websites, not other articles, and someone using the search box on a directory to get information is well worth having.

c) A good keyword for an article written by an article ghost writer is there one that is somewhere between the two. Not quite the most competitive, but also not quite the most used. Get the right balance and your keyword will be a winner for your needs. A good professional article ghost writer will know that and will be able to help you to arrive at the best keyword for the title and body of your article according to your purpose of having them write the article.

In simple terms, they will write the article to achieve your desired result.

2. Good Grammar

I laugh at those that claim 'grammar does not matter'. Of course it matters, and there are a lot of people that will not read an article that is badly written. These claims tend to be made by those for who grammar is a mystery – they can not do it themselves, so claim it does not matter. It matters all right!

A good ghost writer will write using good colloquial grammar: not perfect to the rules, but readable and acceptable. A ghostwriter will know the level of grammar needed for each type of subject, and an article on education or any technical topic should be perfect in its grammar, both to demonstrate that the writer is qualified to write about education, and also to avoid any ambiguity or misunderstanding through inaccurate use of grammar.

3. Good Article Construction

When seeking an article ghost writer for article marketing purposes you should make sure that your choice is able to construct the article properly, with a good title, introductory paragraph, article body, concluding paragraph and resource that flow well from one to the other.

The whole objective of article marketing is to persuade readers to click on your resource link. If the article is not constructed to arrive at the source in a logical fashion the reader may not get the point and bypass your resource altogether. This is very common in article writing, and if your ghost writer can not achieve this then you are paying for nothing.

4. Getting the Click or the Listing

The reason you pay an article ghost writer to write an article for you is that you will be using that article as part of an article marketing strategy to make money. It's as simple as that: to make money.

You make money by getting visitors to your website or blog or whatever web presence you have to sell your products or services. Your article may be written to be listed high in the search engines, or to be read in article directories. Perhaps a bit of both – although that tends to achieve 50% of nothing in real life.

We touched a little on this in Section 3, but a good article ghost writer should know how to use article marketing to its full potential, and how to write your article to get either high Google listings or lots of reads from the directory. People do read articles that are published on directories, and many copy them as content for their websites – particularly if these are sites constructed only for AdSense advertising.

5. Find Successful Writers

Knowing how to get the click or the listing makes the difference between successful writing and just writing. Your article ghost writer should write with your success in mind, but many do not. They just write – some well, and some badly, but not really interested in the reason for you giving them the writing job. Pay silly prices and get silly articles! They just want paid while others love to see your success resulting from their efforts.

What you must do is find a good experienced article ghost writer that has his or her own successful websites, and that are well aware of what is needed to advertise and promote their sites using article marketing. Then, you will have like minded people writing for you in the same way that they write for themselves – successfully!

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