Odorous Stores: Pets Versus Perfumes

If you ever thought that shopping was only a visual experience, then sometimes you thought wrong. Shopping involves a whole sensory experience of colors, smells, and textures. You can find out a lot about what is in a store based on what it smells like right when you take your first step inside of the place. If you walk into a coffee shop, or even pass nearby one, you are immediately overwhelmed by the smell of coffee brewing. If you take a bakery for example, while you're off to buy a loaf of bread, you know you are getting closer when you smell that whiff of freshly baked bread right from your car window.

Two of the most obviously odorous stores are a pet store and a perfume store. A pet store can be filled with not only pet food and toys, but the actual animals themselves. If someone is allergic to animals or to fur, they should probably steer clear of this odorous store. People bring their pets into pet stores to be groomed and sometimes there are even little hospitals in pet stores so the veterinarians can see the animals while the owner is busy shopping. If you really want to pamper your animal, a pet store would be a good place to go to find a chew toy for your pet. Pet stores are not only for dogs. You can buy guinea pigs, rabbits, turtles, cats, and birds from a pet store. All of these animals seem to have some type of smell. The food these animals eat, the bedding put in their cages, and play toys all have smells.

A totally different smelling store from a pet store is a perfume or cologne store. Right when you walk in a perfume store the sales lady may ask if you want to try on some perfume as a sample. She might ask you if you would like a sample of some Calvin Klein perfume to take home. CK One is a very classic perfume made by Calvin Klein, that is for both men and women. This particular perfume has a citrus scent with hints of jasmine and rose. If the sales lady offers you this, it is a good one to try out. Some people are really sensitive to the smell of perfume and it really turns them off. If you have allergies to perfume, you should probably not walk into a perfume store. Some love the smell of perfume. Perfume is not for everyone, and you may only want to wear it on special occasions.

The next time you go to the mall, you should take in all of the sensory experience that it has to offer. If you thought you would just browse around the clothes sections, you may miss a lot of those wonderful scents at the perfume shops, pet stores, and coffee places. Just follow your nose!

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