High School Volleyball Rules


Each volleyball team has six players. A coin toss determines first serve. The person in the back right corner serves, underhand or overhand, from behind the end line, holding the volleyball so it is visible. The winning team rotates clockwise and receives next serve.


Volleyball rules state that a single player is not allowed to hit the ball twice in a row, excluding blocks, and each team may hit the volleyball three times before returning it. The ball may graze the net or land on the boundary line. A serve may not be blocked or attacked.


High school volleyball rules state that each set is played to 25 points and the winning team must have a two point lead. If the set reaches a 24-24 tie, play continues until one team gains a two point lead. A team gains a point when the volleyball lands in the opposition’s court, when the opposition hits the volleyball out of bounds, when the opposition receives a penalty or when the opposition’s server hits the volleyball into the net. A team must win two of three sets to win a match.


Volleyball rules maintain that players are not allowed to hit the volleyball illegally, for example, holding or throwing it. No player may touch or reach under the net. A player may only reach over the net if performing a follow-through or blocking a returning volleyball.


The volleyball must be 65-67 centimeters in circumference, weigh 260 to 280 grams and have an inside pressure of 0.30-0325 kg/cm. According to indoor volleyball rules, the court is 59′ x 29′.6″. The net height is 7’11.5/8″ or, for 14 years and under, 7’4.1/8″. The net is 36- 39 inches wide and 31 feet-6 inches-33 feet long.

Back Row Attack Rules

Back row attack volleyball occurs when a player, from on or in front of the attack line, attacks a ball which is above the net, and has gone over the net’s vertical plane, is some of the way over the net and is touched by the opposition, or has not crossed the net at all. It does not qualify as a back row attack when a back row player is behind the attack line, hits the ball and the ball passes over the net’s plane or when a back row player, from any place on the court, hits the ball while it is below the net’s height and the ball passes over the net’s plane.

A back row block occurs when players make a collective block and none of them touch the ball. Touching the ball is a fault. It does not qualify as a back row block if a back row player touches a ball that is above the net’s height when passing it to a team member or trying to save the ball and the opposition touches the ball before it goes over the net.

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