What Are the Seven Types of Science Fictions?
Science fiction stories have plots that allude to one or more science subjects that are fiction and not real. It does not necessarily have to take place in the future and can be taken place at any time. The story plot does not necessarily have to deal with ultra advanced technology. The present technology can be used just as long as the science subject is fictitious and not yet exist in our society. The following are the seven types of science fiction stories.
1. Robot fiction
Robot fiction is a sci-fi story that mainly features robots as the protagonists. For example, robots military have taken over the world. Or, the story could be about a cyborg or android protagonist having to fight aliens enemies on earth. Many robot fictions are set in a far future date where technology has become much more advanced than now. Robots are often depicted as intelligent and having super powers. Robot fiction can also feature intelligent computer applications that behave like robots.
2. Steampunk science fiction
Steampunk science fiction stories feature steam-powered machines that date back to the industrial revolution in the Victorian era. Steampunk stories deals with lots of the intricate mechanism that are derived from steam-powered machines that exist in the old factories in Victorian era. You can learn a lot about steam-powered machine such as how it works and the different parts in its framework.
3. Military science fiction
Military science fiction focuses on a military unit that is equipped with advanced tactical weapons. For example, the story can be about a dominant military organization that have taken over the world in the far future date. The setting does not necessarily have to take place on the earth. It can take place on any place such as other planets or in the outer space.
4. Hard science fiction
Hard science fiction makes use of the current technology to introduce an invention or theory. The author uses his imagination to invent things based on the real science technology principle. It can have a setting that takes place on other planets other than the earth. It examines the world in a far future date which can be several hundreds or thousands of years from now.
5. Social science fiction
Social science fiction talks about the impact of a science technology on the human society. It talks about what can be done to overcome the negative impacts that the technology has caused. It is often about a technology that already exist on the earth. Examples of negative impacts from technology that are often used as themes are violence, pollution, mutilation, and etc.
6. Space opera
Space opera features a setting in the outer space or a planet that is far away in the galaxy. It can be about a space battle between powerful battleships. The genre of sci-fi fiction first emerged during the 1930s. From that time onwards, it has become widely popularized in various literature and movies.
7. Time Travel
Time travel science fiction is about traveling to the past to see events that had already happened or traveling into the future to see events that are yet to take place. When time travel is first introduced in story, it hasn’t yet proved by science at that time. Now, there are plenty of researches that back up time travel making it a possibility.
In conclusion, you should try to include sci-fi storybook in your reading every now and then. You can borrow a sci-fi storybook from the library or read it online at the story sites. You can set aside a few minutes to read stories every day. The more sci-fi stories you read, the more knowledge you can gain about different technology and science principles.