Business Success Tip – Never Stop Learning
Business owners sometimes have a hard time with change. Setting up a business takes a ton of work to begin with and changing the way you've decided to do business means even more work. Chances are, when you set out to start a business, you did not do it because you were interested in making your life as tedious and laborious as possible. On the contrary, you wanted to do something you loved and were good at and make some money from it. Unfortunately, change is the only thing anyone can count on in the future. The good news is that the more open you are to changes, the better your business will absolutely be and the easier it will become both to do business and to keep adapting. Cultivating a love of learning and a willingness to apply it is the single best thing you can do for your business.
Learning new things everyday and staying on the forefront of technological and business trends will help you keep your business relevant and competitive. Learning as much as you can about your industry, business in general, and your customer's wishes may inspire you to make changes in your business, and making these changes might not be fun or easy, but every time you make a change and learn from the out, your business becomes a sleeker and stronger. Also, many of the technological innovations that appear every day are created to make business easier. So, if you can summon the motivation to make a change now, you can potentially save yourself a lot of time and effort in the long run.
Many of the largest companies in the world are able to remain viable because they are willing to make necessary and sometimes painful changes to their structure and business model. Bill Gates is the CEO of one of the largest and most successful companies in the world and he is a self-proclaimed lifelong learner. He attributes his success to his desire to learn new things all the time and his willingness to make changes based on his learning.
If you stop learning, innovating, and advancing, you fall behind; because the rest of the world is thundering on like a juggernaut and they have no problem leaving you and your silly little company in the dust – more cake for them.
If you can learn to love learning, your responsibility to stay on top of business trends will be met with ease. Then, you need to be humble enough to open your mind to the possibility of changing the way you live and work for the better. Easier said than done, I know, but not only is it helpful to your business to keep learning, it's absolutely vital.
Success Tip: Never Stop Learning (employees)
We've been admonished our entire lives to learn. From the time we enter kindergartens to the time we graduate from college, our main purpose in life is to consume information and regurgitate it on demand. The practice is admittedly beneficial, but exhausting. By the time we reach our early twenties and leave the hallowed halls of education (some of us for good), we are kind of burnt out on learning. A shocking number of college graduates seem to avoid books altogether once they are not being graduated on their knowledge of them. It sees fair, right? We pay our dues to the educational system for our developmental years and when we finish, we lay that part of our lives as in order to (hopefully) put our learning to action, make money, and contribute to society.
This system works fine for the average Joe. But you are not this average Joe – this mediocre schmuck willing to skate through life unnoticed and perpetually replaceable. You crave success. Unfortunately, the only way to achieve success is to get back on those books, figuratively speaking. You do not need to have to re-enroll in school for an advanced degree (although it could not hurt) but you do have to cultivate in yourself a passion for learning.
Whether you want to land your dream job, get promoted, or break out and start your own business, your success depends on your willingness to learn. Learn from your mistakes, learn from the people around you, find a mentor, and seek out as much information as you can about your industry, your ideal career, and how to get what you want.
The next step is to use what you learn to change the way you act. We've all heard the proverb "Insanity is doing the same thing in the same way and expecting a different exit". To change, we have to admit that we do not have it all figured out and that there may be a better way of doing things. Once you can take the information you learn and apply it to your life effectively, you will be able to adapt well to any new demands your career will put on you, and you will be able to figure out a way to succeed at anything you want to.
Not sure where to start in your new journey of lifelong learning? Start small – set a goal to pick up a new hobby or learn a new job skill. Chances are you'll catch the learning bug and want to keep going for your own enjoyment. Along the way, make sure you set realistic, quantifiable goals to help you get closer to your dream. Also, take a moment every day to remind yourself of your end goal when the going gets tough and the changes hurt. Making the choice to be a lifelong learner is not easy, but it's definitely worth the trouble.