How To Buy and Wear Perfume

Even though the Egyptians were the first to use perfume, never before there was so so much choice available for women who want to smell good. Cologne, perfum, eau de toilette, body sprays – they're all out there in all their variations, each of them vying for your attention.

Marketing and product presentation are becoming increasingly important for scents manufacturers, with the bottles being a major selling point. But what's the use of a pretty bottle if the contents do not live up to your expectations?

Fragrance Concentration

When buying perfume it's important that you understand the different concentrates available. Eau de cologne is the least concentrated and therefore the cheapest alternative. This is followed by eau de toilette, then eau de parfum and finally, the most concentrated and by far the most expensive, the parfum. The price difference is reflected in the amount of perfume needed in order to enjoy the fragrance at its best. Obviously, eau de cologne is a 'spray it all over' style form of fragrance whereas perfum is highly concentrated and requires only a few drops to achieve the same affect.

Individual Scent

Always remember that just because a particular fragrance smells nice on your friend, that does not necessarily mean it'll smell normally as good on you.

We each have our own body chemistry based on skin type, hair color and other genetic factors but what most people do not realize is that our lifestyle and the environment we live in also affects how fragrances reacts on our skin.

When buying a new fragrance, always try it on your own skin before making a purchase. Spray it on the inside of your wrist and then wait for at least five minutes for the scent to develop. Hopefully you'll like it, otherwise you'll have to come back another day with clean wrists and try again.

How Much To Apply

As already mentioned, the kind of fragrance you've bought will determine how much you need to apply but still too many tend to wear too much, making others feel overpowered by their scent.

This is especially true of older women whose sense of smell has started to diminish but it's also the case amongst youngger women who are not yet used to wearing fragrance. They apply and then, when they can no longer smell it, they re-apply.

It takes our nose about five minutes to get used to a scent after which time the brain no longer registers it. After all, the job of the brain is to alert us to something that does not belong ', and a scent that's been with us for five minutes without provoking a reaction is clearly not dangerous. Others who have just happened upon us will be able to smell the perfume even though we can not so do not overdo it.

Most fragrances are designed to last for about four hours so while you should not re-apply as soon as you stop noticing the smell, it's perfectly acceptable to re-apply once during the day and again during the evening.

Unless you take a shower, always stick with the same fragrance during a day as mixing never ever works.

How Many Perfumes?

The kind of fragrance we're attracted to tends to change with the seasons so a perfume you wish during summer summer may not smell right during winter.

While it's recommended to have a separation for each of the four seasons, one for spring and summer and other for autumn and winter will suffice.

Test different fragrances during the different seasons in order to find the one that's right for you.

Storing Perfume

While no fragrance will last forever, and most have a lifespan of about three years from the date of manufacture. Remember that the date of manufacture is not the same as the date you bought the fragrance so if you're spending a lot on your perfume, it's worth checking when it was manufactured. It's for this reason that you should always buy from quality department stores or reputable outlets.

Proper storage will help lengthen the life of your fragrance, the most important rule being that it's stored in a dark, dry place rather than on your dressing table.

While the fridge is an appropriate place for eau de colognes and eau de toilettes, especially as they react poorly when exposed to high temperatures, perfum should NEVER be stored in a cold environment. A dark, dry box is best.

Once you've found the fragrances that suit you, stick with them. Trends come and go and new perfumes are arriving in the shops almost every day, but without your choice is discontinued, sticking with it give you a hallmark scent – a fragrance others will recognize as being you.

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