Top Reasons To Send Free SMS Jokes

Laughter and fun make life meaningful. They provide an outlet from the pain, rigors and stress that beset our daily lives. A smile not only keeps you grounded, it also makes you alert and enthusiastic. So, why not make someone's day by sending them free SMS jokes?

If you want to stay connected with people, send them jokes through SMS. Often, people make it a point to read through the messages that they receive. They may read it immediately or at the end of the day. Either way, a funny SMS is sure to perk someone up when they least expect it.

Another reason to send jokes through SMS is the fact that people like to read jokes. When they travel or when they wait for the bus, they go through the messages in their inbox. Surprisingly, although our life is very fast paced, people these days do take the time to read these jokes. Many even forward good jokes to their own contacts. So SMS jokes are a wonderful way of keeping in touch with the people on your contact list.

These days, we often do not find the time to talk to friends or relatives on a regular basis. One of the ways in which we can let them know that we care and remember is to send them text messages. If you do not have anything important to say but just want to let the other person know you care, then SMS them a joke.

Many people these days depend on text messaging to keep their love life on track. What with busy lifestyles, it is often impossible for people in love to stay connected. In such cases, love SMS messages keep you in sync with your partner. This in turn keeps you connected with your partner even though you are miles away.

With technology advancing at an unbelievable pace, it is possible for the current generation to bridge the gap in their interpersonal relations. What they have lost in terms of personal time they can make up with innovative gadgets and technologies. For instance, when man started moving away from home for work and other requirements, the telephone was invented. Then, mobile phones came and it became possible to get in touch with anyone at any time of the day. Text messaging is even more convenient because you can send a message to any person and it reaches them immediately yet unobtrusively. So, whether they are attending a lecture or are in a meeting or even sitting with their boss, it is possible for them to receive the all important message.

To facilitate such communication, a number of web services offer free SMS services to people living in different parts of the world. As an added bonus, some services even allow you to communicate with them in their local language. For instance, someone living in New York can communicate with a loved one in Mumbai through SMSes sent in Hindi! Thus, the ability to send text messages to different parts of the world has truly made the world a global village.

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