What You MUST Look Out For Before Enrolling in an Online Degree
No doubts about it – online lessons have become very popular that most busy individuals that do not have the time and convenience for a traditional college or university study can now get the degrees they desire at their convenience.
The following statistics goes further to prove that online degrees are obviously becoming the "in thing" among most busy individuals, especially mums that have a family and a job yet want to get a university or college degree.
– According to International Data Corp. online enrollments are growing by 33% a year, and hundreds of schools now offer online degrees.
– Also, according to the National Center for Educational Statistics, 8% of the 16.5 million undergraduates in the 1999-2000 school year were enrolled in distance education programs. Of that group, 605 were using the Internet to do so.
These two statistics show the fact that online education is gradually becoming very necessary and workable solution for those who want to kill two birds with one stone. The temptation of receiving lectures completely over the Web with real-time virtual classrooms is so strong that almost everyone with less time on their hands are considering online degrees.
But before you pay for any online college or university, ensure that it fulfills the following requirements:
First and foremost, ensure that the online college or university you want to enroll in is accredited by a recognized accreditation body.
Legitimate online degrees awarding colleges and universities are always accredited by higher bodies, to prove their credibility and quality. Such legitimate online degree awarding colleges and universities offer real opportunity that anyone can take advantage of to earn their degrees online. Be it a bachelor's degree or Master's degree, or even doctor degree, you have to ensure the online degree awarding university or college is accredited.
If the college or university is not accredited you could end up with a degree that is not only low class, but one that will not be acceptable by most companies and organizations within the United States, let alone outside the United States.
Secondly, do not fall for the temptation of paying exorbitantly for an online degree. There are lots of online colleges and universities that charge too high for their programs. Do not rush into joining such.
Take your time and search to find others that are affordable yet are accredited. You can get started by asking your local department of education. Talk to them about your desire for an online degree and ask them to recommend one to you that is affordable yet accredited.
Thirdly, ensure that the online college or university gives you the freedom to choose the times you will take your lectures and do your assignments. In other words, you should have flexibility – is not that why you decided to enroll in the first place in an online college instead of the traditional college?
Stay away from online colleges or universities that force you to a particular timing.
Conclusively, before enrolling for any college or university, you should ensure that the above checklists are strictly adhered to. The most important of these is to spend enough time with your local department of education. Talk to them about your wishes and they will give you good advise. Make sure you do this before spending a dime paying for any college or university.