7 Characteristics Of Slavic Women

Slavic women are known for their special gentle beauty. Slavic nations occupy half of the territory of modern Europe, its eastern part.

Slavic Women's Characteristics

The most famous Slavic female of contemporary America is Melania Trump, the wife of the 45th President of United States, who was born in Novo Mesto and grew up in the town of Sevnica. The first lady's home country Slovenia was part of multi-national Yugoslavia, formed in 1918 by Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. It became an independent state in 1991, the same year that Soviet Union collapsed and split into 15 sovereign republics.

Two largest countries of Slavs are Russia and Ukraine. There are about 150 million people who identify as Russians and approximately 57 million who consider themselves Ukrainians.

There is a lot of interest to dating Slavic women in recent years. One reason for that is the demographic disproportion between males and females in post-USSR, with only 86 men for 100 women in Ukraine is affecting the ability of females to find a permanent partner and dynamics of the dating market in general. Russian women are also in a similar situation, with 11 million more ladies in the state than gentlemen.

Given that preface, what are the typical characteristics of Slavic ladies?

1. Caucasian appearance

Talking about looks, Northern Slavic nations often feature lighter hair, blue eyes, and fair complexion. Southern ethnicities may have slightly darker complexion. Women usually have small noses and round faces.

2. Long hair

Slavic females adore wearing long locks. Although you may find any types of modern hairstyles among today's girls, the majority of Eastern European ladies grow long hair. If you see a lady of Caucasian appearance with a Rapunzel-like mane, she is likely to be a Slav.

3. Traditional family values

As compared to the countries of Western Europe, Slavs only recently moved from communistic systems of the Eastern bloc. Residents of these countries still boast strong communal support, as compared to more independent thinking of western societies. One aspect of this communal closeness is the place of family in a woman's life. For Russians and Ukrainians it goes without saying that a female's happiness is in her family, which is considered her first priority. Every girl from the early childhood is brought up to become a wife and a mother, first of all.

4. Femininity

If western girls may get upset when a male opens a door for them, Slavic women demand it. They want to be treated as fair ladies. Russian women love wearing dresses and high heels, if the occasion allows it.

5. Grooming and deportation

By the same token, girls dress every day like TV presenters, following fashion trends and latest styles. Hair styling, makeup, manicures and facials are part of their daily routine. Being beautiful and attractive for her husband is the main responsibility of a wife. And being a good wife is the woman's mission in life, Ukrainian and Russian ladies believe. Single girls are seeking their "second halves", as the search for a soul mate is called in republics of the former Soviet Union.

6. Preference for strong gender roles

Strong, masculine males and beautiful, gentle females are the society's ideal of the perfect balance. Ukraine's girls prefer men who are decent leaders. Pushing a lady to be equal may backfire in courting. Females still expect flowers on a date and the guy picking the check. Courting Slavic women is easy, once you know what ritual they are accredited to. You simply need to be the "real man", and she will follow your lead.

7. Serious approach to dating

In Slavic culture it is still considered honourable to date with serious intentions of getting married and starting a family, rather than following the casual hook up style, typical for modern western relations. Telling hot Slavic women that you are looking for a wife will not scare them away but make you more attractive in their eyes.

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