You Are The Secret to Your Success

I'm excited. My 14 year old son completed his first triathalon last weekend. What was rewarding was the journey he went on to achieve this milestone.

You see if you had told me a year ago that he would do this, I would not have believed you. A year ago he was fit enough. Although he has been active in sport (and he has natural talent) the key obstacle holding him back was his weight. He was 22 kg heavier than he is now. On Sunday he looked like a completely different person.

The reason I'm writing about this is because Trent's journey is not unlike many business owners and entrepreneurs. He was struggling with his weight, knew he had to take the relevant action to change his situation, yet constantly put it off. He did exercise and eat healthily at home, yet it was obvious that was not enough, the weight stayed on. He needed to do more to achieve real results.

Anyhow, many of you can relate to this … you know you need more focused effort but for one reason or another you do not get it together … you avoid doing what you feel do, until the pain gets too much to bear or you are forced to take action. Also many people do not see themselves as an investment. It's OK to buy a new computer or a car and get it serviced regularly yet they avoid 'wasting' money on themselves. Yet it is you that that is the secret to your success and your resources need to be associated to developing you to become the best you can be.

You know business could be better, that you should spend less time working and more time with your family, and you need to look after yourself, yet you can not see how to get out of the rut … and chances are your situation may not improve, in fact it could get worse if you keep doing the same things.

In Trent's case he really needed guidance with food … quantitites, types that are suitable for his body, learning to avoid certain foods, eating out, etc. He needed to change his habits. So he joined Weightwatchers in June and over 6 months lost the weight! I attended with him yet he did everything himself. My boy was focussed and motivated! He also was very organized – he made the time to attend the meetings as a top priority and never missed one while he was focussed on his goal. He did not make excuses or get distracted.

The secret ingredient to his success was himself. He had the desire, commitment, discipline, knowledge and then took the action to succeed. He would not have achieved this fantastic result without the outside coaching.

How many business owners do you know constantly skirt around the key issues that consistently plague them, yet never achiev long term results? For instance the person who never has enough time to spend with his family because he's always too busy working. Then he wonders why he gets an icy reception when he arrives home at night. Or, worse still, the situation deteriorates and eventually there's no one to come home to.

For your business to be better, you need to be better and you do not get better by doing nothing! You must get outside assistance to get results quickly. Because the right outside perspective provides you with accountability, fresh eyes and a shortened timeframe of learning.

Someone who is not emotionally tied to you and are not afraid to tell you the truth and for you to be truthful to them. Why do you think top performers in any field have coaches? Their ability on it's own is not enough to rise above the crowd.

There's no such thing as "The Magic Pill". You are it! All you need is the right assistance to take you to the next level and beyond.

You are the Secret to Your Success, so do everything within your power to invest in yourself.

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